Chapter One

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     Helena Ansgar had been going to her therapy sessions for a month and a half. Slowly, she began to feel okay and felt more confident to continue her plan to get into Team Rainbow.

     Ever since her CTU, ONI, dropped their hunt for White Masks in Europe, Helena tried her hardest to fight the on growing terrorist group. She needed to get closer to the White Masks because they held something dear to her. Her life-line. She needed to end them any chance she could and her only way to do it successfully was to join Rainbow.

     The start of the Swedish girl's day was filled with constant planning. Today was the day she and K-9, Klas, would be joining the counterterrorist unit. Helena would be the first of her CTU to join and hopefully not the last. Her mind never stopped running with situations and outcomes until she entered the private area that was heavily fortified with security guards.

     Driving up to the closed gate, Helena rolled down her window as she stared in the face of a guard. He kept a straight face as his head shifted between Helena and Klas. The man couldn't be any older than fifty and it was evident from the white hairs that were quickly peaking through his once fully black locks. Klas let out a growl as he kept an eye on the guard.

"Who are you?"

"Helena Ansgar... The address was sent to me by the ONI."

     The man who stood their stared holes into the girl's face. She could tell something was wrong since the gate wasn't opening. Was she in the wrong place? Helena began to notice her heart beat was getting faster and she was attempting to slow her breathing like she had learned in her therapy sessions.

     "I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises," The guard spoke sternly. Helena looks down at a paper in her console. The scribbled handwriting of her commander's read the address that she was currently at. She knew she wasn't wrong. "You're going to let me in or I will find a way to get in myself. Your choice..." Helena was a stubborn girl and could never admit that she was wrong. In this moment, she knew she was right and she had to stand her ground.

     The male didn't seem to like the words that left the blonde girl's mouth as he pulled out a black hand gun from his side holster. Pointing it towards the girl, he made sure to cock it in hopes the girl would flee in fear, but Helena didn't even flinch at the sight. Klas, who sat in the passenger seat, was getting agitated by the second as a low growl came from his throat. The growl grew into a bark to scare off the man and protect his partner, but as the man pointed the gun towards the K-9, that's when Helena became hostile.

     As if on cue, Helena reached out her car window hurriedly to grab the hand gun. Grabbing the barrel of the gun, she made sure to push with force to make the man point at the sky. The guard was alarmed for sure as the gun went off with a pop. The gunshot easily made the two of their ears ring, but they appeared as if it didn't do anything.

     "Jerry! Let the girl in! You'll get yourself killed this way!" A familiar voice boomed through an intercom that was attached to the gates that separated Helena from Team Rainbow. The guard whose name was apparently Jerry scoffed as he hit a random button on a remote. Helena glared into the man as she snatched her hand away from the gun then allowed herself to get back into her car. "Thanks... Jerry," The girl spoke in a monotone voice as she continued her journey to get to Rainbow.


     Helena's once smiling face quickly changed to a look of pure anger and betrayal. She stared at the man who was always at her therapy sessions. Harry Pandey stood dumbfounded at the change of emotions in the girl. Maybe he hadn't fully thought his plan out thoroughly and maybe Operator Doc was right in telling him this wouldn't work. "Let's go, Klas. Maybe we weren't suppose to be here," Helena spoke in a cold tone as she shot Harry down with a stare that could kill millions. As she turned on the balls of her feet, Harry shot his hand out in a grabbing motion before he began speaking quickly, "Miss Ansgar! Please, hear me out!" Harry tried to look for the right words to say to the Swedish police officer. He didn't want to lose a good operator for his foolish mistakes. "Every session I have with my operators are strictly confidential! We have been observing you for years with the ONI. Your commander has been planning this with us for months because he wanted to give you this challenge!" As Harry spoke frantically, Helena stopped in her trails to listen.

"So, you're telling me those sessions were fake?"

"No, of course not. I am truly here to help you. We used your therapy sessions to get to know your psyche. I also wanted to make sure you were suited for Rainbow. Your commander told of us of your trauma and we wanted to make sure that wouldn't interfere."


"Doc... Gustave Kateb. He is a fellow operator here at Rainbow and he understands to keep these sessions a secret from others. If you stay with us, he will be helping you along the way as well as me. I want to keep these sessions going, so I understand you and use that for my own studies."

     Helena became hesitant at the moment. She knew deep down that Harry and many of the operators wouldn't understand her work ethic at this time, but she couldn't let that bother her now. She needed to go on with her goal of being in Rainbow. "Fine. I will join you under one condition... You'll allow me to work on my gadget to make it more likable for me," Helena turned back towards the now relieved Harry. She pushed her hand out towards the man as he quickly took it within his own. "I find there's no need to fix your gadget, but if you insist, I won't stop you. We have a deal, Miss Ansgar."


     The office of Six, or Harry as he likes to be called, was stacked high with books. From Helena's observation, many of the books were on psychology, wars, and even a few literary classics. She had to admit it was something beautiful with the way that the sun shone through the palladian windows. The whole room screamed Harry's whole spunky, yet intelligent personality.

     Helena walked around the large office, staring up at the many things that line the walls. She couldn't lie and say she wasn't fascinated. She also couldn't lie and say that she didn't love to decorate or that she hated art. She absolutely loved it and Harry took note of that.

     While she was busy with that, Klas sat in front of Harry as he held a squeaky ball. The director of Rainbow is said to be a man of brains and spoke on an intellect level, but when an animal entered the room, it seemed that the years of education he had flown straight out his beautiful palladian windows.

     "Does Klas want the ball? Does he really want the ball?" Harry spoke in a weirdly high voice as Klas kept barking loudly to answer him. "Go get it, boy!" Harry then rolled the ball on the floor and Klas clumsily ran to chase it. "You know..." Helena began as she turned towards her new boss. "He's going to tear that ball up and you'll never be seeing that thing again." The girl knew her dog just like she knew the back of her hand. If living with the truly rambunctious german shepherd didn't mean anything, Helena didn't know what would.

     "Ah, he's perfectly fine, Miss Ansgar, or should I call you Operator Life-line now?" A small smirk appeared on the director's face. He felt accomplished for recruiting a new strong woman onto the team who could open up doors for all the operators.

     "I haven't been called that in years.." Helena reminisced on the times before her sudden abduction. It had seemed that night really played a big part on the way she acted now. She remembered how she use to be full of life and felt like nothing in the world could hurt her. But that dreaded night truly showed her that not everyone can be trusted. From that day forward, Helena became closed off. She started to take risks that she normally wouldn't take and joining Rainbow is definitely one of them. "Yeah, let's stick with that," Helena nodded her head. She had to be more open and more daring. Rainbow would be her way to do that, even if it meant risking her life.

"Well, Life-line, welcome to Rainbow.. Your new home."

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