𝑭𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝑩𝒆𝒅 :: 03

Start from the beginning

"Come on, now. Give it a try," Jungkook encouraged, curling his fingers in mock as to say 'come here'.

"Faggot," Jimin said again.

Jungkook sniffed. "That's all you know, isn't it? That proves to me that your hatred for gay people didn't develop naturally. Now, should I dislike you or understand that your parents really are just that shitty of people?"

Jimin gave Jungkook a glare, for once taking a step forward instead of backward. "I told you not to talk about my parents like that!"

Jungkook chuckled, but very quickly his lips straightened and his eyes narrowed as he took a step closer to Jimin. Towering over him, looking down at him. Belitting him with as little as his presence.

Jimin gulped. He tried holding his ground, but it didn't take long before he looked away and to the floor, feeling the small puffs of air from Jungkook's breathing against his head and neck.

"Now, Jimin... why is it that you hate gay people? Please enlighten me. I'm dying to know," Jungkook requested lowly, still burning holes into Jimin's raven coloured head of hair.

Jimin visibly shifted from foot to foot. "Suh-stop breathing one me. Yuh-you're going to-"

"Infect you? Please. If I were to turn you gay it wouldn't be because I was breathing on you," Jungkook retorted rather cockily, watching as Jimin slowly rose his head.

"Wuh-what do you mean?" Jimin stuttered, throat running dry. He backpedaled into the wall as Jungkook followed in his steps, caging him in as he placed both of his hands beside his head. Jungkook then leaned into his ear, lips brushing his pinna.

"I'm fucking great in bed..." he said slowly with a purr, pulling away to level his face with Jimin's.


Jungkook's gaze dropped to his feet as he held his cheek.

Jimin was breathing heavily, heart thrumming in his ears. He had never hit someone before, and simultaneously he managed to harm himself. He cradled his hand to his chest as he peered up at Jungkook with apprehensive eyes.

Jungkook lifted his head placidly, eyes landing on Jimin's which were trembling with fear, it seemed. But not for reasons Jungkook expected.

"Wuh-will I tuh-turn gay? I tuh-touched you..." he mumbled his stutter.

Jungkook shook his head. "You actually can't be serious right now," he said, but the look on Jimin's face proved otherwise, and in fact he looked absolutely terrified. He didn't want his parents to hate him, or the people at his school. He worked so hard to become who he was today.

But only if he knew the wiring done to him by his parents.

Jungkook let out another humourless chuckle as he shook his head. "Unbelievable. Have fun getting far in life with that closed mindset of yours," he said coldly as he walked out of the stall, and then the bathroom itself to God knows where.

Jimin slid down the wall and onto his butt, holding his hand out in front of him as he stared at it with great disgust in his eyes. Nothing else in his life had him more frightened than this moment. He still felt the stinging on his hand and Jungkook's hot breaths gusting along the back of his head and expanse of his neck. His stomach was turning and shifting.

He burried his face into his knees, feeling his tears soak his pants and his body begin to tremble as he hiccuped.

God, if anyone saw him so uncollected, his reputation at the school would be tarnished. He needed to get his shit together.

He walked out of the bathroom stall, grabbing a piece of paper towel and folding it up before he dabbed just beneath his eyes expertly, making sure to clear up any traces of defeat. He then tossed it into the garbage, fixing his hair up with his fingers. He smoothed the creases of his outfit, releasing an exhausted sigh.

He then forced a smile.

It was easier to pretend that things were okay rather than facing them.


Eventually school ended. The day didn't go easy on Jimin, though, as he had been interrogated many times for his absence in the morning and sporadic strange behaviour throughout the day. He tried to keep himself together but it was evident that he failed miserably.

Because by the time he got home, his parents were also seated in the living room, awaiting his arrival. On the outside it seemed they were calm and collected (relatively). But it was clear that there was something grave eating away at them, making for a tense atmosphere. His mother was fidgeting in her seat, picking at her fingers which was something she never did unless nervous. And he realized that she only started to do it more recently as a result of her and her husband's distance. His father, on the other hand, sat unmoving as his eyes roved Jimin's tense body standing in the entryway.

"Take a seat, son. We have some things we need to discuss," his father said as he uncrossed his legs, leaning forward in his chair.

"Of course," Jimin responded, quickly taking a seat like the good obedient son that he was. As soon as he planted himself on the soft surface of the couch, he glanced at his mother only to find her eyes still glued to her fingers.

"We got a notice this morning that you had been absent from class. Your teacher claimed that you had ran out. Care to explain?" his father questioned, head tilted down to stare at his son past the top of his glasses.

Jimin tensed, rubbing at the back of his neck with apprehension. What was he supposed to say? God, he knew he had to tell the truth. It was in his nature and he knew that once he told them, they would understand how serious of a situation it was. So that's exactly what he decided to do.

"I uhm... there was a reason I ran out of class this morning - a good reason," he stammered while picking at a crease in his pants. He wasn't sure why he felt so nervous.

His father raised a brow, challenging him to continue further. His mother stopped picking at her fingers, and instead gave her son her undivided attention.

"I saw a boy..."

"Okay, and?"

"He wuh-was kissing another boy..."

Mr. Park's gaze narrowed at the sudden revelation. He peered over at his wife who appeared to be mortified, hand hovering in front of her mouth in shock.

"Which boy?" his father asked, adjusting his glasses on his nose. It was such a subtle move yet it made Jimin's skin crawl.

"He was a, uhm... just a classmate of mine. He took my seat and I wasn't sure what to do. It was scary-"

Suddenly his mother showed up beside Jimin, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him close.

"It's okay, dear. You did the right thing-"

"What do you mean he did the right thing? His classes are what's important. How is he supposed to learn if he's absent?" Mr. Park challenged, now standing from his spot. It was something he did often when things got vehement, and Jimin believed it was because it made him feel powerful. Well, he was but the action of towering over people must have fed his ego.

"We've taught him many things. I'm sure he was just confused, darling," Mrs. Park explained softly, hand rubbing up and down Jimin's arm as they exchanged saddened glances.

"I'll let it slide this once. But if it happens again, there will be consequences, Jimin. Don't forget that," he warned before he walked out of the living room, leaving him and his mother.

Mrs. Park pulled Jimin in for a hug, which Jimin accepted immediately as she soothed him by drawing small circles into his back.

He couldn't recall the moment his father's attitude began to shift so abruptly, but it wasn't too long ago. What he also didn't know was why he kept Jungkook's name under wraps. Why didn't he just expose him for who he really was?

His life seemed to be so perfect yet things were changing at a scary pace. In ways that he couldn't explain. In ways that he wasn't sure he wanted to.

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