chapter one 1 the Dream

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may ...may.. may, a voice calls who are you what do you want from me I say, may ...may ..may the voice gits louder who's There stop leave me alone! I scream and yell what do you want from me,  may, may, may! I cep screaming stop it than I am silent it's you I say ... then I scream it's you, it's you, it's you, nooooooo! ..... gasp few it was just a dream a cold dark dream I say to my self lying in my bad gasping for air.

the next's morning I wrote about what happened last night in my diary I wrote,       

"DearDiary last night I had a bad dream the same bad dream I have had for the last two weeks I don't know what it means it is almost as if it is really like it has happened to me before or it is going to happen. it is like I have lived this in my dream over and over again just as real as the one before and again over and over every night.  I am wondering if I should go to a sleep therapist I am starting to worry I don't want my parents to find out I would be crashed watching them worry about me. I don't know what I should do maybe I should tell my friends but if I do the changes of the word slipping out are high if the kids at school find out my parents will eventually find out too. my friends are good at keeping promise but it could slip out on accident. and if they tell just one person then that person could just tell one more person as well before you know it everyone who can be trusted or not trusted will know and I can't let that happen I don't know what it is but I feel like if anyone finds out something bad will happen there is just this feeling I get this cold dark feeling I don't know how to name it but I know I'm not alone the way it whispers in my ear as I am shrouded in dark....will the only thing that was there that I remember is the tunnel. the light shining from the dark the only thing friendly looking in my dream as I try to run.... away. February 4th, 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   today at school my friends were wondering what was wrong with me they said I was acting weirder than normal I wanted to tell them what was wrong  but I was afraid so I lied and said everything was fine but as normal as I want things to be they weren't and so it did end there, I was normally supposed to go to lunch today with my lunch group but I did and that was something I never ever missed and so then, later one of my friends came up to me and asked where I had been and ask why I was not at group earlier and so like a normal person I was going to tall hem why i was not thair but then he brought up the fact that I have been acting weird and it made me remeber what happend and so i lied  I don't like lying and having to lie to my friends especially whan i lied to tham already ones today but I don't want to be rude and say it's none of their business and so i lied again and said I was fine and i was in study hall during lunch and went on with my day but know it doesn't end there as if the day had not been as frustrating enough already after school whan i got home the worst thing out of all things today happend, so usually whan i git home i usually have a snack but today I did want one and I don't know if it was the way she sade it but just than mom says are you ok you have been aching weird lately and i don't know what it was but i was so tired of hearing people saying that today i just whated to go to my room that all my anger just got unraveled and I just snapped "I AM FINE! I shouted  I couldn't believe what I had just sade to her, thair was a moment of silence just for a sec and then I said "I'm sorry mom I did mean it she did yell she just said back "that... that's ok you take a break, the way my mom said it was like she was in shock she had never seen me get so made like that before I felt bad but I did want to make thing worse beside I can't talk about it it's has to stay a secret but in some way's after today I am afraid it won't I have a feeling like someone out there already knows deep done inside.

 to be continued!

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