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This is just the starting I don't know if you will find it interesting or not. But still read it at least and thanks for reading!
The above song is Aimer's blind to you.
This is going to be small but then the real chapters are going to be long.

"Hey!" A young girl with brown hair shouted at the boy that was running away from her. "Wait up!"
"You can't catch me..." he shouted back to her while laughing.
They ran towards the river. Then they sat there and laughed.
"Hey!" A blond boy called out to them.
"Hi!" They both replied to him.
After some time a black haired girl joined them.
They all laughed an dplayed the whole day by the river.
When the sun was setting they decided to go home. They said there byes and went home. The girl had to go the opposite way.
The girl smiling went skipping home.
When she reached home. She went outside to find no one in her house.
"They must be late for work.." she said to herself. She checked her sister's room. No one was there as well.
"This is getting wierd..." she said to herself again. She went upstairs to check her brother room hoping to find someone but no one was there as well.
Her breathing became uneven,   she started panicking, her head started aching badly and now she couldn't see properly. Everything was blur. She felt a presence behind her so she turned and looked.
Her father was standing there. He mouthed something but she couldn't understand it she was never good at figuring mouthed words.
She fainted now.

After sometime she woke up to find the titans surrounding her. Looking at her but not eating her. She got afraid she got up fast and ran away away from those beasts. She looked back to find that they were still looking at her and not chasing after her.
She was near the wall. She gasped. She covered her mouth in horror. Seeing the wall was breached, she knew already that there was nothing called home now. 


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