Chapter 1 My Name and your name

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Hey, to everyone who is reading this boring fanfic that I wrote some months ago. This is my first fanfic so please like it. My oc's name is Haruka. She has brown hairs and blue ocean color eyes. She has paler skin than mikasa and Levi.
Play this song while reading, you may enjoy it when reading this story. It is AIMER's song called ninelie. it is one of my favorite songs.

Haruka's POV
I was by the lake, sitting there and humming a song my mother used to sing. I stood up started walking carefree as the Titans stared down at me. Titans are afraid of me except for the titan shifters, I don't know the reason.
Yes, I live outside the walls. I found myself outside the walls when the wall Maria was breached. I don't remember my past, only bits of it but I don't know how I got out of the walls.
I look up at the sky and then black smoke suddenly appeared. Those useless scouts are in trouble again.

I ran through the woods. When I got close enough, I climbed a tree and saw five humans struggling against only two fucking Titans. I started jumping through the trees. With the daggers in my hands, I sliced the nape of the Titans. I stood on the Titans and turned around. Oh shit, the scouts have seen me.

My eyes met. My eyes met with a turquoise ones. We stared at each other what seemed like hours. Until someone cleared there throat. I turned to see a very big hight like a tree, a very big bushy eyebrows and very big body guy. What the hell is with this very big guy? I can definitely compare him with a titan.

"what is your name and what are you doing out of the walls?" the very big guy asked two question at one time. Man, I am a human ask slowly. I didn't answer. "I asked something please answer!" he shouted this time. I still didn't reply. The guy behind him got of his horse. Now I am thinking how did he got on the horse. HE IS SO DAMN SMALL but I am smaller that doesn't matter, right now. He stood in front of me and out of no where kicked me in stomach. I didn't even flinch.

"wow you have strength I thought you were just a shorty." He said with a cold voice little dose he know I am colder. He lifted his hand, turned his hand into a fist and lunged it towards my face. But of course I blocked it. I held it so tight that some cracks were heard. I think, I think I broke some of his poor bones. Opps, Sorry. He immediately snatched his hands away and coughed awkwardly while holding on to his poor hands.

"She is probably not going to speak anything we should take her back to the walls, Erwin" he said still feeling awkward. the guy with blond hair nodded. Then he looked at the turquoise eyed boy and ordered him, "Eren put her in the cart." The boy just nodded. He gestured me to follow which I did. I panicked, what if they kill me in the walls than I wont be able to take revenge oh I don't want that. I kept on following panic might not be shown on my face but I was literally panicking inside. I think the boy noticed that is why he turned around, and said in the most comfortable sound ever, "Stop panicking, they wont kill you." he saw right through me like I was just a sheet of paper. "by the way my name is Eren Jaeger.  What is your name?"

I didn't know how to answer. Should I even answer it? Should I keep up with the cold attitude? I don't know anything anyone. With the faintest sound ever I answered, "Haruka."

My another life is starting and my first step of starting is by knowing your name and by telling my name.


YAHOO! :) *dancing around in happiness*
My first chapter has been finished.
Hope you like it!

 Hope you like it!

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