First day of school

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Starting a new school wasn't my favorite thing to do in the world. Starting a new life with new faces and in new part of the world was adventurous and scary at the same time. I have been moving around the US since I was about 5 years old. It hasn't been the smoothest ride ever, but I have survived so far. Currently I am now  senior at at my new school, Robbinsdale High School, about to start my first day which is now like the 10th time of me doing this. 

"Sweetie ready to start life at a new high school", mom yelling from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, that was my least favorite phrase in the world. "Yea I am almost ready, hold on". 

I then quickly finish straightening my hair and leave the bathroom to go eat breakfast. "Baby, you look so beautiful, I cant believe that this is your last year of high school". Secretly I couldn't wait for senior year to be done, I wanted to leave out of this spell I was cast on by my mom. "Yea,I cant believe it too!" 

I do love my mother dearly, but I need freedom. There was no room to breath or even think for myself when I was near her. I understand since I am older why she does this but sometimes she need to let loose. We have been through a lot as a family and needs to let go of her little girl sometimes. 

My brothers come running down the stairs, fighting for the chair as usual. "Sooo you ready?", she seems more excited then me. "Yea I guess, I can make new friends and see what else this school has to offer". I was tired of answering her questions already, all I wanted to do was just to leave. I then decide to excuse myself, and decide to get to school early instead. 

"Bye mom, see you later boys", I run out of the house as quick as I can before someone tries to hold me back. I open the garage, hop in my car and drive the 15 minutes to my new school. 

Finally I reach the school and have trouble finding parking, compared to my old school barely no body had a car. While passing by people I catch some attractive guys, hopefully they are in my grade or at least in my grade. 

After going up and down rows for a couple minutes, I find parking. I fix my hair, check my teeth and spray perfume before leaving my car. I then get out, trying to look for the same guys from earlier but they were no where to be seen. 

I lock my car and walk into the school. People already were looking at me up and down, many people smiled and gave me a warming welcome. The school was so big, I have never imagined a school being this big. So many people were already here, it was like the entire world was all in one location. 

I then look for the office to get my schedule, I didn't even know where to go. 

"Hey, you lost", a deep voice comes from behind and startles me. I turn around and recognize him from the parking lot earlier. He looked so much better up close. His light brown eyes, with dark curly hair and skin so smooth and perfect. 

I smile and say "yes, I am looking for the office". He smiles back and nods and I follow him. 

"I have never seen you here before, you new?", In my head I was screaming from the top of my lungs, this fine caramel chocolate is talking to me.

I chuckled a bit, "yeaa, I just moved  a couple weeks ago", "well let me introduce myself, I'm Chris". 

"I'm Kayla".

"Well Kayla, what brings you here" 

"My mom switched to a new job and I ended up having to go here". 

"Oh fr, well you'll have fun, just watch out who you hang out with"

We then stop, I forgot that he was even bringing me to the main office in the first place. I was already so attracted to him, he was so perfect. 

He then leans in, I thought he was going in for a kiss but then I realise he was just opening the door. Oops. 

These doors was the same doors that started my new beginning of a life that I would have never imagined that would change me in a couple of months.

~ Hey guys, I have finally decided to get back and start writing again. For now I am going to do short chapters and update more often but I hope you enjoy the first chapter so far. Sorry again~

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