25.) Amusement Parks

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I blushed heavily at what he'd said. "Shut up." I mumbled before scurrying down the hallway to where Kale was waiting in the living room.

We greeted each other with a soft kiss and soft 'hey's before we hurried out to the limo.

I rolled my eyes. "We're taking a limo to an amusement park?" I asked incredulously.

"There's a lot of people." He defended. "And I don't know exactly how to get there."

I chuckled and slid into the limo after thanking the driver who was holding the door open for us. I ended up sitting between Kale and Elle in the shiny leather seats. He instinctively wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his side.

"Hey, Holly." Elle chirped.

I smiled at her. "Hey."

"You like roller coasters, right?" Brendon asked with raised eyebrows.

I grinned and nodded. "Absolutely."

"Good, because we are riding every single one." Jarrod declared.

"Are you sure you can handle that? Last time you got sick after three." Elle smirked, making me giggle as Jarrod started to turn the lightest shade of pink.

"I had the flu." He defended quickly.

"Mhm, sure." She sang sarcastically.

"Don't worry, when I was fourteen, I threw up because I ate a whole funnel cake and then Jackson made me ride one of the roller coasters." I told him.

"Well, that's reasonable." Isaac told me as Jarrod gave me a 'thank you' smile.

"But it was gross, I had new shoes on and it got all in my hair. It was a mess and all Jackson did was laugh." I mumbled, cringing at the embarrassing memory.

Everyone seemed to find that funny, because they laughed, which made me smile. Maybe they do like me.

"But I won't get sick this time." Jarrod insisted, his mop of black hair dangling almost in front of his eyes. That was the only difference between him and his brother, Brendon. They both shared the same light brown eyes and lightly freckled cheeks with cute button noses and larger than life smiles. But Brendon had light brown, sandy blonde hair that was much shorter than Jarrod's.

"Are you guys twins?" I asked randomly.

Everybody gave me an odd look at my random question, but I still looked at the two brothers, waiting for a response.

"Have you been checking us out?" Brendon asked with a smirk.

"No, I was just wondering." I mumbled.

"Yeah, we're twins." Jarrod told me.

I nodded and leaned back into my seat farther. "I thought so."

"So when we get there, after we ride a few roller coasters, the kiddie area is themed Dr. Seuss, so we need to go there." Elle declared.

I gasped excitedly. "I love Dr. Seuss!"

"Me too!" Elle giggled.

"Great, so you two can go do that while we do something else." Isaac said innocently.

"You don't want to go see Dr. Seuss?" Elle whined, looking to Isaac who was sitting to her right with pleading eyes.

He kissed her forehead to soften the blow of his rejection. "Nope."

"You're going to miss out on meeting the Lorax." I sang.

"I don't think the Lorax will miss us." Kale said beside me.

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