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Everyday was torture for Aaron, He wants to see Veronica but then he remembers that she wants a break. Aaron wakes up with swollen eyes due to crying himself in his sleep.

"Shit... I really need to stop crying myself to sleep..." The boy let out a deep sigh, He can't handle this anymore. But he must keep patient. For Veronica.

He forced himself to get up and actually do something that will keep his mind busy even just for a while. He did his usual morning routine, set up his camera and did a video, he was planning to post it later this day, but his mind is telling him to just post it tomorrow.


He wondered where the sound was coming and immediately thought of his phone, He reached his phone that was resting at the coffee table seeing dozens of messages from Kian and Nessa, Though, He just ignored them. But one message caught his eye, it was not from Veronica nor from Alex. He checked the unknown message, wondering who can be messaging him except them.

<< Unknown Number >>

Hey! Aaron! I was wondering
if we can hang out today?
it's been quite a while!

Oh yeah! This is Krystal btw!
i was your best friend in

He looked at his phone with a confused face, he tried hard to remember the person in his high school days and eventually remembered her, so he decided to message her back.

Change nickname to krystaljungs?

Change your nickname to Aaronic?

oh hey! i'll check my sched
just a sec!

oh, alright!

sure, we can meet up today!
what time and place though?

maybe later this afternoon?
let's meet up at the park
also, is it okay if amber comes?

oh! sure!
is it the usual park?
the one that we go to everytime?

yes, that one!
i'll inform amber now!
see you later.

You too!

[READ ✔]

He turned off his phone with a smile plastered on his face. He decided to take a shower and get ready for their meet up. He only chose some casual clothes, he was excited to meet Krystal. After all, they haven't met for years, he was suprised Kystal still remembered him.

@ The Park

He walked out of his car and proceed to the park's entrance. And searched for a familiar person, Soon, he saw the figure that he was looking for. The boy ran towards them. There was no people around so no one recognized them.

"Aaron! You're now here!" Krystal cheerfully said. He smiled and continued to greet them. Kystal nodged Amber to introduce her self.

"O-oh! Y-yeah! Hello, I'm Amber Krystal's girlfriend" Aaron stood there shocked, he didn't have a single clue that Krystal, his old crush (almost his girlfriend) was bisexual herself.

Aaron stood there shook, He was speechless, Krystal giggled at Aaron, While the boy melted the sight, He didn't know why he did that. Amber noticed him but decided to shrug it off. Soon, Krystal explained everything to Aaron. Though, Amber left since she has some work to do.

They continued to have fun while it lasted, they went to amusement parks, went on many ride and tried various of delicious foods. Though, There was one thing that they didn't notice while they're having the time of their lives. They didn't notice that someone took a picture of them and sent it to Veronica and and The others, Both of them were enjoying their time and still oblivious of what has happened.

Soon, They decided that it was time to go home since it was nearly Eight in the evening.

"Hey, Krystal, Let me just take you home. It's dangerous going alone at this time." Aaron said, It was true though.

"Ah! No... I can just take the cab"

Still, Aaron pleaded the girl. Krystal had no choice but to take Aaron's advice and they went to Aaron's car. It was a nice car - Tinted windows, Clean car, And clean windows. She hopped on the passenger seat and Aaron on the drivers seat and He proceeded to drive. Krystal fixed the GPS for him, They sang their heart out and made some funny puns and jokes. Until, They both didn't realize that they're already at their destination.

Krystal thanked the boy for the lift and pecked his cheeks, It was supposed to be a friendly kiss with no romantic feelings involved but both of them blushed and soon parted in their own ways.

@ Aaron's House

He was so worned out and lazily unlocked his door, He was soon greeted by Guppy, He played with Guppy for a while and decided to change his clothes to some comfortable ones, He wore a oversized hoodie with sweatpants. He jumped on his bed and turned on his laptop

When he was about to watch Netflix, He was greeted by a phone call.

<< Veronica 😍😘❤ >>
is calling you



Why is the girl that you were just hanging out with?

Look, Babe, She's just my friend.

Then why did she kiss you on the cheeks?
I'm sure you wont belive me so i already sent the photos.

Aaron looked at his messages and saw pictures of both of them hanging out and Krystal kissing Aaron on the cheeks.

Look, It's just misunterstanding!
Babe, Believe me please! I wont ever cheat on you.

Sorry Aaron, I saw the photos already....

<< Call Ended >>
Call again?

He faced flat on his bed not caring about the tears that was already falling, It looks like Veronica didn't trust him enough to think that he was actually cheating on him. The pain was slowing killing him. Piece by Piece. He didn't know how much time will it takes. He just wish everything was normal again. He wants both of them to be happy.

Veronica was crying also, She didn't know who or what to believe. She hasn't eaten for so many days, All you can see in her was dark eyebags and her bones were so visible, She was nearly broken. She was not going outside her room. All of them were so worried about the couples state. They do wish everything was back to normal. They all want to be happy again.

[ON HOLD] ➼ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓮 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now