● 𝓡𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭 ●

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Nessa's POV

Me and Kian are still thinking about the answer... What could be the answer? Why does it have to math!!! I sometimes suck at math. But i never failed a math exam before.
"Kian do you know the answer?" I asked.

"Honestly i still dont know but im trying to figure it out. And is math my favorite subject (I dont even know if thats true) we can solve this in know time!" He replies. 

"Okay!" I said

"What's the riddle again?" He asked. 

"Find the four digit number in which the first digit is one fourth of the last digit, the second digit is 6 times the first digit, and the third digit is the second digit plus 3." I said.

 "Okay." He said. I wonder what happened to Aaron and roni... I hope their alright....

Roni's POV

We dont know where nessa and kian are... I miss nessa... I started tearing up and Aaron notices me tearing up. He ran to me and hugged me. I feel protected when i'm around him. But this time its different. I think no one can comfort me... I miss my sister... My other half... My best friend... I miss her... Its all my fault. I shouldn't just sat down... I shouldn't be just lazy...
"Hey what's wrong?" Aaron asked. "I miss Nessa..." I said. "Hey, Were gonna find them okay?" Aaron said. "But it's my fault we lost them. I shouldnt be just lazy and just sat down. She's my other half..." I said. "No no no! Dont say that! Its not your fault! Were gonna find them okay?" He said. "O-okay..."

So we found an evelope its says

If you want to see your beloved sister again. Find a door that has a padlock and answer this riddle: Find the four digit number in which the first digit is one fourth of the last digit, the second digit is 6 times the first digit, and the third digit is the second digit plus 3... So find the door if you want to see your beloved twin sister again... 

Ugh, Why does it have to be math?! I HATE MATH! I guess Aaron can solve this one and i guess Kian solves this because nessa and i HATE math.
I told Aaron about this riddle turns out he's good at math! Wow, i can't believe it! unbelievabubble. What could be the answer! I want to see nessa so bad! I want to hug her!

Aaron's POV

So the riddle is about math, and i know for a fact that roni hates math but she never fails in math exams. I'm gonna try to solve this as fast as possible. 

(Few minutes later)

"I Know the answer!!!" I shouted. "Okay, what's the answer then?" She asked. "Its 1694." Isaid.
"Lets find the door now!" She said being super exited. 
We walked for almost 5 minutes now and we found the door. We unlocked the door and saw kian and nessa sitting. "NESSA!" She shouted. "RONI!" Nessa said. they hugged each other and they are just so cute and inseparable, They both care for each other. I wish me and Alex are just like that... But she's with lauren now and he always hang out with lauren and barely hung out. I miss the old times. Seeing this makes me happy. I want to bring back the old times... Well, They do say past is the past... 
"Im so happy to see you" Roni said. "Im so---" Nessa got cutted off. We got shocked by the deep voice... He says....

To be continued! So that's the answer! Shout out too InsheLove for getting the answer right! More riddles and puzzles coming soon! Thank you also for the votes and reads! And the journalism is over and my another competition on my photojournalism is next week!


[ON HOLD] ➼ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓮 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang