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61 .Panting, screaming and crying will not help you when you're hiding.

62. If you hear a strange noise coming from upstairs that sounds similar to, oh let's say a severed head falling to the floor, don't go trying to find out what it is.

63. If the movie is directed by someone named Wes Craven or John Carpenter, you're pretty much screwed.

64. If you think you heard a noise in your basement, don't think it was your imagination. You really did hear a noise.

65. Pay attention to the little things.

66. If you know you're going to die, why not go out in style? Party hard, bitches.

67. A bad kid is a dead kid.

68. When a killer is on the loose and it isn't in your home, don't fucking go outside at night. You're practically screaming 'OKAY, I'M HERE, COME AND KILL ME NOW!'

69. Play dead. Grab some ketchup or something, squirt it all over you and rub it into some place on your body. The killer will be fooled. Maybe. Probably not.

70. Never confuse Jigsaw...unless you're the Annoying Orange, then sure, go ahead.

71.Once a killer, always a killer.

72. Kids are useless, unless you use them as bait...then sure.

73. Trust no one.

74. Anything to do with Satan or the number 666 must be avoided.

75. Flee the country. Yeah, that's a good idea

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