chapter 18: Back to square one

Start from the beginning

~ Next day~

Yukiko POV

Here am I back in Namimori uniform again. Except that this time, I am wearing a skirt instead of a pants. As usual, I go to school with Sawada san.

" Sawada-san, are you and Sasagawa chan together?" I asked as we walk, wondering has Sawada-san makes his move these past weeks. His face immediately burns with embarrassment when I ask him. " No way!! Kyoko-chan and I are not what you think...even I want. .but we are just friends. Really just friends."

I chuckled. Sawada-san indeed hasn't changed a bit at all. As we are walking towards the crossroads where I know that we will be meeting with Hayato and Takeshi-san, Sawada-san suddenly says " You and Yukiro san says the same thing. And I realise that you are not just identical to him in his looks but also the way you two speaks." he smiled.

Before I can say anything, Takeshi and Hayato-san comes along." Ohayo, Judaime!!" Hayato greeted Sawada-san. I miss this moment and I am feeling like when I was Yukiro back then. " Yo, Tsuna and Yukiko!" Takeshi-san greets. Sawada-san told them about him thinking that I am almost identical as Yukiro except that I am more cheerful and friendly. " Yukiko-san, do you mind calling me by my name instead than Sawada-san just like your brother?" Sawada-san comments as we are reaching the road to Namimori junior high.

" You don't like me calling you Sawada-san? " I ask. I didn't think that something like this will bother him. " Calling me by name sounds more comfortable. Especially you calls the rest by name," he replied. Takeshi-san agrees as well. The rest, he means Blanchi chan and Reborn-san. Also Dino-san? Maybe this can be one of the differences between Yukiko and Yukiro." Hai, Tsunayoshi san" I smiled. " No..that's too long! How about calling him Tsuna? Just like me and call me as well." Takeshi-san replied. I smiled. Should I feel happy that they are including me or upset because this happiness won't last? " Hai. Tsuna-san and Yamamoto-san."

" If only you are as strong as your brother then I will let you call me by name." Hayato-san said looking at me directly. How to prove myself strong? We are waiting for the green light to cross the road when suddenly there is a little boy dashes out to the road when a speeding car approaching. Out of my instinct, I run and grab the boy to the opposite before the car hit him. " Whoa! Yukiko-chan, you are as fast as your brother! Or maybe even faster?" Yamamoto-san praises.

While they are singing praises of me being like a shadow even Gokudera san as well, we forget that we are running late for school. By the time, I got to office to report, what awaits me in my first day of school as Yukiko is the punishment from Discipline committee.

~ 2 hours later ( recess time)

Hibari POV

She is the new transfer student. The one that I suspect to be Yukiro. She is late for today so she is supposed to report at my office during recess time. And now she is 5 minutes late. While I am doing my paperwork, the door suddenly burst open. " Go men na sai!! I am late!" I look up to see the girl that did the same thing at hospital yesterday. " I am Yukiko Tomaru from class 1-A and here I am to report for being late for school." she bows. Is this person really Yukiro? Other than the looks, the rest of her dont match him. Unless she is trying to act all these time. She might be able to fool people by her acts but not me via her fighting.

I got my tofas and said, " You are being too noisy and I am punishing you for both." I move and attack her. She comes prepared. When I am about to attack her, she brings a stick that looks almost identical as Yukiro's except that hers got some red and blue coloring. We fight and she is even better that Yukiro. This moment cause my heart to skip a beat. She smiles while she fights. And that smile of hers is is the same as Yukiro's. I nearly lost my focus because of her smile. NO FOCUS BACK!! HIBARI KYOYA, YOU CANT LOSE TO SAME THING TWICE!!But she got something of her neck I realize. A tattoo? And when I am about to touch the tattoo on her neck, she moves back fast. "No. You cant." she looks shaken for a moment. Her hand covers her neck almost immediately. I ask her what is that. And her reply is " just an ordinary symbol." she slowly retreat and wants to leave but I stops the door with my tofas.

No way is she goona leave here like that. She starts to sweat..a lot after the mention of the tattoo. I told her that if she is about to make me shock for a moment then I will let her pass. I find myself weird. Usually towards others, I will surely bite them to death but for her, I cant. I cant explain this feeling and my brain and heart keep telling strange things about her. She agrees. And as we fight, I notice something she is wearing. A rainbow necklace. Is it the so called rainbow seal that Yukiro talks about? This time round, her attacks and speed increases and to be honest, we are enjoying ourselves. She is smiling at the time and every time I look at her face, I couldn't help but to feel blissful. While I am having these thoughts, suddenly I feel someone touch my chest. The area where my heart is. " Catch ya.." she said as she points her index finger at my heart. I am stunned. Totally frozen by her touch. I am speechless when she calls me. " Hibari san? Hibari san? Are you alright?" she takes a step back and raises her eyebrows at me. I takes a step back after I come back to my sense. " Go. And dont break any rules anymore." I walk back to my table. What she says later excites my heart with joy.

" Hibari-san, I enjoy fighting with you. It is so fun! If only we can be friends and fight normal, instead of me breaking the rules will be great." she smiles, bow and left.

Yukiko POV

I couldn't help but laugh!! What happens today is almost exactly the same as what happen when I still acting as Yukiro on my first day of school. It is like living in the history of your life. But there are just some part of your history, you wish you will never experience it ever again.

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