I check my watch and 15 minutes had passed since I got here.

I excuse myself to the bathroom and make sure to close the door so Rosie doesn't notice someone was here incase she returns before me.

As I leave the bathroom a few minutes later, having fixed my hair up a little, I notice Chaeyoung's bedroom door is slightly open and her bedroom light switched on.

I peep through the door and notice her holding my flowers in her hand with a bit of a confused expression on her face.

Oh fuck! I forgot to take them with me.

I slowly open the door, trying my hardest not to make any sound. She doesn't notice me enter and for that I owe the sound of the busy street below as she had her window opened for fresh air.

I move up towards her and snake my arms around her as I place my cheek against her upper back hugging her tight.

She jumps at the sudden contact and turns around quickly with fear on her face which quickly dissolves into happiness as she realises its me and then changes again, to confusion.

My chipmunk always had the cutest facial expressions.

"Lisa?" She says with a huge smile as she hugs me tighter into her body, almost suffiocating me.

"Its me" I say as I squeeze her and giggle a little.

"I thought you weren't back for a few days!" She says refusing to let me go.

"Me too but, I got the dates wrong and thought I would surprise you" I say as she finally loosens her grip on me and I step back.

"I see you found my flowers" I say gesturing towards the bouquet on her desk.

"Oh yeah" She nervously giggles. "I got scared for a second thinking someone had broken in you know" She says as she hits my shoulder playfully.

"Nope. That would be me" I reply to her smiling.

She smiles at me before she cups my face with her hand and strokes my cheek lovingly.

She doesn't say anything but I can read the love in her eyes.

I close my eyes and she leans in to place her soft plump lips on mine.

I kiss her back and she holds my face with both her hands now.

I place my arms around her waist as she kisses me for longer.

She pushes her tongue against my lips and I open my mouth giving her access.

My did I miss this feeling.

We stay like this for a while till we hear someone clear their throat.


Oh shit.

"Uh guys..."

It was Alice.

I quickly shoot a look at Rosie so as to say I was sorry for forgetting to close the door behind me.

She looks at me closing her eyes tightly.

She was probably thinking about what the hell she was going to tell Alice.

"A-Alice" She stutters back.

Alice just clears her throat and scratches the back of her head. "I - I didn't mean to uh... disturb"

Rosie takes a second before she replies her eyes still creased "It-It's fine. What - what did you uh see?" She asks.

Is this unrequited? | Chaelisaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن