Everyone sits back down in their seats and begins to talk amongst themselves before being interrupted by Darwin.

"Wait!" Darwin speaks up and the others quieten down. "Felicia, you never told us what you could do. So, what are your powers?" Darwin asks as everyone stares at her waiting for an answer.

"Oh, she's not a mutant," Raven speaks up. "She works for the CIA."

"Then why are you in here with us?" Darwin asks.

"Moira wanted me to watch you guys while she goes to talk to our boss," Felicia answers nonchalantly.

"Oh, so what, you're here to babysit us because they don't trust us," Angel retorts.

"It's not that they don't trust you, they're just scared. Scared of the powers you all possess, scared because they don't understand it, scared because when power like that is in the hands of someone like Shaw..." Felicia lets out a sigh. "Nothing, they have can stop someone like Shaw. And if the entire country finds out that the people who are meant to protect them can't. It's going to incite panic amongst the nation and while they try to calm everyone down, the Soviet's are going to have a perfect opportunity to strike."

Everyone just stares at Felicia in shock not expecting to hear such a rant.

"Look, I'm sure you've all seen by now what the other agents are like. I have to watch you guys, whether you like it or not, but I'm sure to be, better company and to prove it..." Felicia gets up and walk behind the bar and unlock the cabinet and mini-fridge that contains alcohol. "I have the key to the liquor cabinet and the code for the mini-fridge," She says shaking the key in her hand.

"Yes!" Sean says standing up and throwing his arms in the air.

Everyone makes their way over to the bar and grabs drink while Felicia makes her way over to the jukebox and puts on her favourite song to jam out to.

"The warden threw a party in the county jail!" Felicia begins to sing along. "The prison band was there and they began to wail. The band was jumping and the joint began to swing. You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing!"

Felicia holds her hand out to Raven who takes it and they begin to dance.

"Let's rock, everybody, let's rock. Everybody in the whole cell block.
Was dancing to the Jailhouse Rock" Felicia and Raven sing along as they Jump onto the lounge and Angel lets her wings free and starts dancing with them.

"Hey we should think of code names for Charles and Erik." Raven grins.

"Yeah that's a great idea." Felicia replies. "How about 'The Professor'."

"Maybe." Raven thinks "I think it needs to sound more mystical. How about Professor X."

"Oooh I like the sound of that. Professor X." Felicia replies admiring each syllable as it rolls of her tongue. "And for Eric how about... Magneto?"

"Magneto?" Raven replies. "I like it. It's the perfect combination of inspiring and intimidating."

As Raven and Felicia go back to singing along Felicia takes notice of Hank standing nervously, tapping his foot along to the song.

"Shifty Henry said to Bugs, "For Heaven's sake. No one's looking, now's our chance to make a break" Bugsy turned to Shifty and he said, "Nix nix I want to stick around a while and get my kicks."."  Felicia jump offs the lounge chair and walk over to Hank and grab his hand and pull him onto the coffee table with her and they begin to dance.

"Let's rock, everybody, let's rock," Hank sings joining the girls in singing and dancing

"Everybody in the whole cell block. Was dancing to the Jailhouse Rock." they all sing along until the song comes to an end.

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