You got the wrong girl (Izumi Filler)

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"Hai!" He said a she pulled me inside the room where I saw a make up artist, a costume girl, a hair dresser and a very pissed looking woman.

"YOU IDIOT! THATS NOT HER AT ALL!" Tge woman screamed.

"B-but you s-said she has green hair and she was lat seen wearing an outfit that looks weired." He said nervously.

"I sent you a picture of her, did you even check your phone?" She said rubbing her temple.

"N-no m-my phone just died." He said.

"-sigh- I am surrounded by idiots... look miss I am sorry for tge mix-up, I ho -riiiiiing- Ah Excuse me... Hello... ahh you found her... wait what!?... are you serious!?... -sigh- Fine, get her to see a doctor... ok everyone I have good news and bad news, good news is Mahiru has been found... bad news is she sprained her ankle and cant dance." She said in a very disappointed tone.

"What are we gonna do boss? We need this audition to go well." The male make up artist asked.

"Yeah, if we dont get this job our agency will be closed down." The costume girl said.

"I dunno... but... we cant go on if Mahiru is injured." The manager said.

"Ummm... If... you guys need help maybe... I dunno... I can be of some assistance." I said getting their attention.

"You... can you even sing?" The manager asked.

"A little bit." I said with a smile.

"Ok well... lets hear a sample then." She said.

A short song later

Everyone was awestruck by Izumi's amazing voice, the manager then got close to Izumi and grabbed her by her shoulder.

"PLEASE HELP US!" She said desperately.

"Ofcourse I will, if someone is in trouble you should always lend a helping hand, because thats what a hero do." I said with a smile.

"Thank you... ok Kanehiro get her makeup done, Misao prepare a costume that will make her natural beauty pop!" She said.

""YES MA'AM"" they said in unison.

A few minutes later

"Ok up first, from Kaneda Talent agency Mahi- oh... ok ahem, it would seem that The Kaneda agency has switched singer, so again from the Kaneda Talent agency here is Izumi Midoriya!" The announcer screamed my name as everyone clapped and I walked out the stage wearing my costume.

 ok ahem, it would seem that The Kaneda agency has switched singer, so again from the Kaneda Talent agency here is Izumi Midoriya!" The announcer screamed my name as everyone clapped and I walked out the stage wearing my costume

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(This is what she is wearing, credits to the owner, also this is the only photo I found that remotely looks like a pop star.)

I then walked towards the microphone as the song I gave them began to play, since this song was my original composition the band couldn't play it, so I sent them the track using my phone.

Blood Ties (My hero academia female Izuku fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora