Yoongi sucks his teeth, closing his eyes for a brief in hopes of catching some inspiration. After what seems like forever he apologizes for almost falling asleep and without giving Jin the opportunity to smack him, agrees on the 'letting him know' part. 

Jungkook only remembers the wind hit his face as he is kidnapped across the campus buildings.

"We gather here today to officially initiate Project Resurrection. Thank you for attending, everyone."

"Of course."

"Yeah, no problem Yoongs."

"I told you not to call me Yoongs, Minji."

"Slip of the tongue, Yoongs."

Jin catches Yoongi before an accident happens, windshield-wiper-laughing the tension off the table as he turns all attention to Jungkook to the best of his ability, because at this rate Jungkook is going to snap into his monster persona and tooth every piece of meat he catches on these scammer bodies.

The same fucking five-people committee of the Secret Services sit accross Jungkook with nimbus smiles, ready to finally let Jungkook know of their marvelous plan to save his channel. Project Resurrection, they call it; Jungkook has to bite back a condescending laugh at the idiom choices. As if he was gone with, done for, deceased from the YouTube world or something. He just needed some goddamn inspiration which he is sure (a little) he would get if he waited long enough and these guys decided to play hero for him.

"I'm listening," he announces after everybody stares at each other like time has frozen.

Jin is the one to clear his throat, starting after he gets permission from the committee.

"You must have heard about the mascot raffle Jeon Jungkook-ssi."

Jungkook refuses to answer that question. He will not answer any damn question he knows Jin already knows the answer to. But then that wasn't exactly a question. Hm.

"Well, the Secret Services committee and myself wanted to aim for something big to enliven your channel. We decided to come up with a series that will be unlike any other, something that will tune in the spectators to their screens whenever a new episode drops."

Jungkook doesn't want to get ahead of himself yet but he can't help his insides from tingling either. Jin is working his magic in the art of alluring using speech and Jungkook is letting himself fall for it, because it has been such a long while since he felt excited about doing anything... It was never just about the YouTube channel, was it? 

"The mascot raffle is going to be our trump card," Jin smiles smartly, voice raising in confidence the more that he explains. He thanks the shady-looking boy (Jungkook still doesn't trust that boy) for handing him a paper with a chart drawing on it, going back to explaining. "There is exactly a month until the Winter National University Games begin. February 1st, that is. Our university will be participating in the basketball games as every year, since we have a pretty competent team."

Jungkook remembers reading on Gidae's official webpage that they have actually never lost a basketball match in the Winter Games to any university, yielding as the champion in that area every past consecutive three years that they participated. It's a record in the history of basketball nationals held between universities. The impressive article had left such an impression on Jungkook that he had quickly warmed up to Gidae University, immediately considering it as a top choice just last year when he was choosing between higher education institutions to attend.

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