"The cabin in the woods," she mutters, barely over a whisper. Her throat burns, most likely from screaming and from the demon taking control of her.

Of course, there's also the vines that forced their way into-...

Mia swallows, her fingers trembling, her lip quivering. "You're gonna think I'm crazy if I tell you."

"Trust me, I'm not." He puts on a smirk that's both sad and cocky at the same time. "I guess you could say I know a little about fucked up cabins."

Mia frowns, biting her chapped lips. Forcing herself to lift her chin and gaze at the man, she asks, "Who are you?"

"My name's Ash. And that's all you need to know, kiddo. Then again, I could ask you the same question."

"Mia. My name's Mia," she answers, her fingers fumbling with the material of the sheets. Uneasiness slowly creeps into her mind as he says that, his tone throwing her off. If she had just been abducted by some weird guy who wanted to pull some kind of Misery crap on her, then she won't hesitate to beat the shit out of him right now. Plus what he had said earlier about his experience in cabins sounded...off.

Adjusting her position on the bed, Mia locks eyes with Ash, lowering her chin slightly. "Look...thanks for saving me and all, but you better fucking tell me more about yourself than just your name. I don't think you understand what the fuck I went through back there. Now I'm being picked up by some guy I don't even know?" A hint of gold glistens around the brown of her irises. "So right now, either you convince me to trust you, or I'll beat your sorry ass."

Ash smiles. "Oh, I like you. Fine, I'm guessing what you saw in the cabin were demons, which I'm pretty damn good at killing. I'm also the 'chosen one' and 'the king'." He smiled. "I must sound like a pretty groovy dude."

At his words, her features soften, the shade of yellow disappearing from her eyes. He's killed demons before? He knows HOW to kill them? Keeping her gaze trained on Ash, Mia leans back, relaxing her tensed muscles. "Okay, first of all," she starts, "you've had pretty much the same experience in that cabin, haven't you? Second of all, 'groovy'?"

"Hell yeah, groovy's fucking groovy! And yeah, I have. Hell, I even got sent back in time but that's a story for a different time!" He laughs at his own pun.

"Different time-...?" Mia shakes her head, not even bothering to ask. Taking a deep breath and exhaling, she asks, "You got taken over by those things?"

Looking him over further, she realizes that in place of his right hand is a metal gauntlet. Her eyes dart to her bandaged stump, them back to the prosthetic limb. A chill runs down her spine as she remembers how she lost her own hand, and she wonders if she should even bring up how he lost his.

"Yea, I have. Not fun. And since you asked, I'm guessing you have, too?" he asks.

"Yeah...but it was worse." Her fingers tighten around the blankets, curling in into a fist. "When one of our friends, Eric, read from that fucking book, I had run away, feeling uneasy about the cabin on a whole. I was driving away, when I accidentally drove into a lake. After I walked out...I couldn't explain it...it felt like something was following me. I couldn't see anything, but I knew something was there. I ran from it through the forest for god knows how long, until the trees came to life and trapped me with their vines. Vines with thorns. They wrapped around my legs, my arms, and then...all I remember is seeing an evil version of myself, before a thick vine poured out of her mouth and ran up my legs until-..."

She chokes on a sob, pulling her legs together as she feels a faint stinging pain down there. Wiping away the stray tears that gather, she forces herself to continue. He has to know the whole story.

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