Chapter 2

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"Alright!" Dream stretched and looked at us.

Blueberry was happy the movie ended, tho sad cause he enjoyed it, and I was nodding off, Dream quickly noticed. "C'mon blue, lets go get some icecream, or nicecream," she winked at me.

"Alright dream!" They headed out the door. I was so tired that I laid on the couch, and fell asleep, soon to hear my alarm go off on my phone.

I sighed and turned it off. I went to the aus and saw Error destroying one.

"H - HEY!" He looked at me and jumped over.

"Your too late, squid." He looked at me dead in the eyes. I pawed his shoulder and he started glitching out. "YOU STUPID SQUID!" He launched at me and pinned me down on my back, near my ribs. I screeched and tried to kick him back. But he kept his grip.

I noticed Nightmare launch at me and everything went black.


I slowly opened my eyes.

"Hm?" I looked over, it was just fully... blank?

No, it was too blank. I muffled something into my scarf and tried to move, but strings were surrounding me harshly, I wasnt able to move, I was lifted off the ground.

I tried getting the strings off, no use, they were way too tight. I tried calling for help,

But nobody came..

I sighed, and soon a portal opened. "Error?" "Oh, your up." He didnt seem too happy. "The group made me be with you," He sighed. I nodded my head, tho it was hard. "I betted, you hate me," I looked at him.

"I do hate you," he hissed and tightened the strings, I yelped in pain. "So your a weako?" He chuckled and continued to tighten until he heard a crack and he imedialty stopped.

I felt my leg go limp, I looked at him and he dropped me from the strings.

I tried getting uo but fell on my side. He walked over, but stopped in a distance and turned, as he then saw Nightmare come over. "Goob job! You broke one of her bones! She wont be able to mess with us for awhile!" Nightmare chuckled.

"Perfect, lets go get the aus!" They both headed off at Nightmares words.

I tried to get up but my legs pain stung all up to my shoulder, so I fell again. I whined and glazed around. It was cold and blank. I took my scarf and wrapped it around me for warmth.

I knew I couldn't do anything now, it was obvious, my small breathes filled the cold air, as the room went dark, into a slumber.


I woke up, and realized my front leg was wrapped up in Errors scarf. I was confused and I looked around and slowly stood. I felt a hard push and slammed against the floor.

I screeched and saw Errors paw next to my face. "Stay down," he huffled and got off of me.

"Why did you slam me down?" I asked and he gave me a dead stare "So you can heal." He walked over to the box and jumped into it, and didn't come out nor say a word.

I wanted to go home, but my magic was weak.

"Error?" I called out and he groaned and popped his head out of the box. "Can you bring me home?"

"Look at your leg, Ink, your gonna break it completely, I need to watch you." He muffled. "But I need to watch the aus!" "No buts, Ink, go to sleep."

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