☸ Questionnaire ☸

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☸ Questionnaire ☸

What color hair would you have if you were in an anime?

    Konnichiwa, minna-san! Ogenkidesuka? The questionnaire for this month is:What color hair would you have if you were in an anime? Would you be the badass red-head? Or the bubbly and moe pinkette? Or maybe you would just be a sweet little brunette. Take this quiz and find out! make sure to keep track of what letter you use to answer the most because that’s going to help you find your results at the end!

Question 1: What kind of personality would you say you have?

Fierce and hot-headed

Calm, cool, and collected


Shy and nerdy

Weird but friendly

Question 2: What do you think of school? (Or did you)

School? I don’t go to school

It’s good. I’m the top in my class

School is more for socializing, not learning

I love learning! I wish I had more friends though….

I love being with my friends! The classes though… not so much.

Question 3: Someone’s trying to pick a fight with you. What do you do?

Fight back, of course!

Ignore them. They’re not worth it.

AH! Someone help me!

Get a teacher

Gang up on them with your friends

Question 4: If you were an animal, what would you be?






Question 5: What kind of music do you listen to?

Rock and Alternative



I don’t listen to a lot of music. I like reading more.

Anything in the top charts

Question 6: What type of character are you?



Protagonist's fan

The sidekick to the protagonist

Girlfriend/boyfriend to the protagonist

Question 7: If you could live in one of these animes, which would it be?


No Game No Life

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Sailor Moon

Angel Beats

Question 8: What is your relationship status?


In a relationship

It’s complicated

It’s a bit one-sided


Question 9: What are your hobbies?

Playing sports

Otaku Magazine ISSUE #11 January 2015Where stories live. Discover now