❤ Fangirl Mania

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❤ Fangirl Mania

        Welcome to the first (or second) Fangirl Mania of 2015! Whoop!

        Let’s have a shoutout to our seniors who are graduating in a few months! ^_^ (Me~)

        Alright, let’s kick this issue off with a great start, hm?

        What am I going to fangirl about in the first month of the year? Kuroko no Basket.

        Gomen if you don’t like the series but, I can’t help to be in love with it. Although, it’s not just the show I’m fangirling about.. Let’s break this down to 3 parts hm>

ONE: Kuroko no Basket; the show itself

        Can I just say that I’m so happy it’s almost March? Not because school will be out within 2 months but, because KnB is coming out with their third season and we get to see the matches that follow Yosen vs Seirin! I can’t wait for this. I’m barely making it through these few months. o.e BUT! I would like to point out I’m talking about the anime NOT the manga. I’m aware that the manga is farther than the anime (much like every anime) so please, keep your spoilers to yourself ^_^ (I actually know a few spoilers but meh. I’m trying my best to forget.)

        I’m just so excited for the next season~ I have to say, other than Naruto, SnK, and Fairy Tail.. A show has never captured my attention so much. There’s not a lot of actual action but those games are intense, they’re something else. .___.

TWO: Naruto Shippuden Ending















        Alright, here’s the spoilers!

        So, the couples? Yeah. Love<3 I have to say, Sarada [I refuse to call her Salad. I don’t care if it’s because it was translated wrong or whatever. -.-] Uchiha is my favorite from the new generation. Especially with all the fanart I’ve seen! Like GAH! Ohmergerd.

        Will she be taught to summon Katsuyu and Aoda? Or will she have a completely different summon? Or none? ._. These are the questions I need to know the answer to.

        Anyways though, I’m extremely happy with NaruHina but, I’m even happier with ShikaTema<3 That was the one couple I was 100% rooting for x3 [Not that I’d be upset about ShikaIno since that’d be cute too but, meh. Y’know.] Shikamaru looks kinda dorky as an adult but Temari looks amazing ^-^


        I hope you enjoyed this quick Fangirl Mania, sorry it was made in a rush.

        Ja ne<3

Otaku Magazine ISSUE #11 January 2015Where stories live. Discover now