He'd tell one of his stupid dad jokes that Yoongi secretly loved. (Don't tell Seokjin that, though.)

Maybe he'd come back soon and they'd be like they were before. Yeah, maybe.

He was going to start crying again until there was a sudden knock on the door which makes his cat and the little duck run away and hide under the bed. Weird. They never did that.

Yoongi stood up from his bed and wiped the tears off his face and opened the door to see one of the guards again.

"Prince Yoongi, the king and queen need you in the throne room right now." The guard says (with a few more guards standing behind him) and takes Yoongi to the throne room where his parents are sitting, but with another person.  A girl specifically.

It was that princess he'd met before, Nana. Why was she back though? He rejected her already.

"Why is she here?" He asks and points at Nana, who's standing next to his father's throne. "Yoongi, don't be rude. Your father and I have gotten fairly close to princess Jinah's parents, and we decided to make the decision for you." Yoongi's mom says.

".. what decision?" Yoongi asks and hopes it isn't what he think they did.

"You two are getting married in a week."


Jimin lead Seokjin through the forest to where Jungkook's kingdom was. He didn't want to, but he didn't have a choice. Seokjin was very, very  convincing.

Seokjin was close behind him, just centimeters from being against his back as they walked through the forest.

He had tried to run away once, but Seokjin got him before he could even get anywhere fast and shoved his face into the dirt until he promised not to try to run off again.

Now, Seokjin. Seokjin's eyes still weren't... normal, I guess you could say. They were a dark, blood red color that could probably make you think he's wearing contacts.

But as far as Jimin knew, eye contacts weren't able to glow.

He was like a completely different person now. He didn't laugh or smile or tell one of his random jokes like he did before. Now, he barely even opened his mouth unless it was to tell him to hurry up or to keep walking. He was scary to say the least.

After a long while of walking, they finally approached the kingdom.

Jimin knocked on the door and the two waited for a few minutes until it opened to reveal Jungkook standing there.

He looked messy. His hair didn't look brushed or combed, he looked paler then usual, his clothes looked (and smelled) dirty, and he looked like a mix of sleepy and hungry.

"Hey Jimi-" he stopped talking when his eyes met Seokjin's and not even a second later, Seokjin had pushed Jimin out of the way and punched Jungkook square in the face.

"Where the fuck is Yoongi? I know you have him here you piece of shit, where are you hiding him?!" Seokjin yelled and went past Jungkook (who was trying to sooth the place Seokjin had punched) and went into the kingdom.

"He's not here. He left." Seokjin turned back around at that, eyebrows furrowed. "Stop lying. You're keeping him in here somewhere."

"Why would I lie? You'd be able to smell him here if he was." Jungkook said.

"After all you are a vampire too, right? We have great noses–"

"I don't consider myself a vampire anymore." Seokjin corrected and went up the stairs to check there.

Jimin helped Jungkook up once Seokjin was far enough and talked in a hushed voice, "Where's Yoongi?" he asked and Jungkook shrugged. "He ran away. I forgot to tell Namjoon to lock the door when he left and he got out."

"Well, do you know where he could've gone?" Jimin asks. Suddenly, Seokjin's voice was heard from behind him. "Where else would he go if he wasn't here? He'd go home." Seokjin rolls his eyes when Jimin whispers a "oh" under his breath.

"Then–Then why don't we just go there– or just you." Jimin changed his words quickly from the glare the other vampire was giving him.

"If I try to go back in, they'll probably lock me up and I don't want to waste my time killing guards who're just doing their jobs. Unlike someone." He sends a glare towards Jungkook who glared right back at him.

"Can't we just.. I don't know... sneak in or something?" Jimin asks and Seokjin shakes his head.

"No. All–" "All windows had been guarded ever since I jumped through one. Ever door, including the one that leads to the cells, have at least 20 or more guards at each one and they checked the place for any secret ways to get in and out ever since I took Yoongi with me."

The three of them stay silent after that. Jimin wonders how he knows all that while Seokjin is mad that he got cut off.

"Maybe we should try to plan something out?" Jimin suggest but it didn't seem like the other two were listening.

"Don't you have any respect, you fucking roach? Don't cut someone off while they're speaking. It's rude." Seokjin says with a scoff.

"You cut me off AND had the nerve to punch me in my own castle when I could probably kill you in the blink of an eye." Jungkook says back and Jimin felt like leaving.

Jesus, how is anything going to get done of these two keep arguing?

"I'd like to see you try, roach."

"I wouldn't have to try, old man."

"Did you ju–"

Yeah, this'll take a while.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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