Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first Percy Jackson fanfic, so please go easy on the criticism. Anyways, Percy is 14, and the book it takes place in is The Last Olympian. I know, confusing. Percy or Luke also doesn't have the Achilles curse. But, it's really good. I own nothing.

Chapter 1

I was running up to the throne room. Luke was already there, but I couldn't give up. Clarisse and Annabeth were right behind me. My legs felt like they were going to give out any minute. I hadn't slept a wink these past three days. We barged into the throne room, where the sight of Luke met our eyes.

"You're too late." He said. "You've already lost."

"Luke," Annabeth breathed. It annoyed me that Annabeth still had feelings for him. I mean, the guy tried to kill me, tried to take over the world, and is on Kronos' side. And she's suppose to be the smart one.

"The Gods are on their way," Clarisse shouted, "You will never stand a chance."

"By the time the Gods get here, you all will be dead, and the world will be ours."

"I beg to differ."

And then we launch into battle. Most people would think that three demigods against one is unfair, and that obviously the side with the three demigods would win. I wish it was that simple.

Luke swung his sword at me, but I ducked and rolled. Clarisse and Annabeth charged from different sides, but he judo flipped each one. Annabeth made a move to stab him with her dagger, but Luke deflected it with his shield.

Luke was about to charge Clarisse, when I jumped on his back from behind. He tried to throw me off, but to no avail.

"What are you doing?" yelled Clarisse. She went to slash Luke in the legs with her sword, but Luke kicked her in the chest with only a godly amount of force. She flew back 15 feet and landed on her butt, with her sword clattering to the floor.

Luke grabbed me by the wrist and flipped me off of his back. He twisted my wrist until I heard a snap, but I refused to cry out, to show mercy. Then, he threw me with more force then he threw Clarisse.

I flew 20 feet across the room and and landed against one of the pillars. Ouch. Now that hurt. I fell down from the pillar, landing in a heap. Riptide fell to the floor beside me with a clatter.

My vision was blurry and everything hurt. Do not go unconscious, do not go unconscious.

I looked across the room, where Luke was standing over Annabeth.

"You promised, Luke!" She screamed. Suddenly, Luke backed away from her, he looked like he was going to pass out.

"What have I done." He whispered. He crumpled to the floor five feet away from me. I grabbed Riptide and crawled over to Luke.

"Do it." He whispered. I grasped my sword with both hands, and plunged it into Luke. I heard a choking sound, and then everything went quite.

I didn't take Riptide out of Luke. I couldn't believe what I had done. Clarisse was passed out, eight feet away from me, and Annabeth hadn't moved from her spot.

My breathing was shallow, my head buzzed, and everything hurt. Then, without warning, I passed out onto the cold, hard floor, right next to Luke with my hand still grasping the handle of Riptide.


The first thing I was aware of was the warmth. I was warm and comfortable. The second thing I was aware of was the pain. It was dull but still there. I wanted to sleep. I didn't want to feel pain. It was hard to breathe, and my head felt like it was going to explode.

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