Date night for the cruel and famous Pt.1

Start from the beginning

Lucifer has a bad feeling that Typhon already has plans for them, and as much as Lucifer would love to start a global gang war with the other most powerful man on earth, it wasn't worth it right now. Helgrim Mafia was strong right now. They needed to remain so. 

"I want us recruiting, especially in east Asia," Lucifer said, sitting at his desk as they conversed in his office. Henry had just started drinking out of his flask, and Peirce's fingers were itching towards the cigarets in her pocket. Lucifer liked to smoke sometimes but never in his office, so Peirce was forced to wait until their meeting ended, which wouldn't be any time soon. "I want us strong in the city's underbellies, ears open for any word of Typhon in the West. But no one picks a fight or I'll kill them myself. "

"What of the local governments?" Peirce questioned as she thought of all the bureaucracy they might have to shift through. 

"I'll take care of that," Lucifer said, listing several cities where they could take roots, and several more who were almost under Lucifer's thumb. Business was getting serious... and dangerous. 

Henry asked more questions about their crew still in Berlin, about their teams in Europe, and the morning went like that for a very long time. 

Now, with Henry and Peirce long gone and off in some bar somewhere, Lucifer continued to work as his desk into the evening. 

Will and Angel had come by at one point, but there was no way of getting Lucy's attention, and Will gave up faster than Angel did, until Lucifer lost his temper and ordered Angel out. He'd pay for that latter, but for now Angel took the time to plot his demise. 

The sun was setting, casting bursts of orange throughout Lucifer's office when the door opened again and Lucifer listened as someone came in. Two someones.

A silver head popped out from behind his computer. "Better finish typing," Angel demanded with a sick smile, "cause we are going out." Lucifer rolled his eyes, his fingers moving a mile a minute.

"Last time we went out," Lucifer replied, not looking away from his screen, "you were nearly murdered."

"Maybe," a blonde head came from around the other side of the screen, "but this time you three have your bodyguard. And I'm not letting anyone near my mans."

Lucifer slowed his typing, slowly getting distracted. "Oh, you're the bodyguard in this fantasy?" He almost smiled. 

"I'm also the boss tonight," Nya said sternly, crossing her arms and leaning over the desk, "so stop typing so we can go annoy Will and get him to wear his new suit to dinner tonight. I'm the only one who hasn't seen him in it."

"Darling, I would love too, but-"

Angel suddenly whistled using two of his fingers, and before Lucifer could blink, Nya and Angel were tackling him in his chair. Angel called the alarm and plan A was set into action. 

Lucifer, suddenly being thrown back in his chair, shut his eyes quickly, feeling his entire body go stiff. He felt hands stroking his hair, hands running down his arm and his thighs and his chest. Lips against his mouth, his cheeks, his eyes. Teeth along his nose, his throat. 

With his eyes glued shut all knew was his body, and his body belonged to two others as they clawed and tore at him, overstimulating his body that struggled with feeling. As soon as the assault began, it ended, and Lucy was suddenly very cold without the giggling pairs of hands roaming his skin. 

 There were quick footsteps and laughing and rustling but when Lucifer opened his eyes there was no one there. 

Those brats. 

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