Perfect Fit | Chpt 76

Start from the beginning

When we got there, there were people bustling all about. They were the city type people who knew exactly where they were headed and didn't really care too much for the crowd. I got out first, stretching my back before Safie crashed into me.

"Nails first!" She called, tugging me quickly away from the group until I couldn't see them anymore. She led me to a back part of the mall where there was a small salon. When I walked in I could smell the alcoholic, bitter smell of nail polish. They had a few TVs going even though the radio was playing. There were chairs lined up against the wall where people were getting pedicures and Safie sat down beside me in the waiting room before room at the nail counter opened up. "You getting a color? I think something light would look nice."

"Uh yeah, what do you think?"

"I think baby blue would be good on you," she said and I glanced at the wall of polish. I smiled, knowing that blue reminded me of Lance and the ocean. He had such pretty ocean blue eyes.

"Yeah sure, that sounds nice. What color are you getting?"

"I'm getting mint green," she said, pointing to a section of the wall.

"I love that color," I said and she grinned. Once we were called to the counter, she sat next to me. The ladies soaked our fingers to clean up the nail and the cuticle of each.

"So you're from London?" She asked and I nodded. "What's it like?"

"Well, it's pretty dreary most of the time, but I like it to be honest," I said. "Me and my dad live just outside the city, like walking distance."

"No mom?" She asked and I shook my head.

"She passed a little while ago," I said.

"I'm sorry," she said and I shrugged.

"Thank you, it's alright she's better off anyways," I replied. It seemed that Safie's excitement had dulled a little once was e had sat down and calmed.

"What about your friends?"

"Oh they're great," I said, nodding. "My best friends are named Pidge, well Katie but that's her nickname, and Allura."

"Allura? Exotic," she said.

"She's Altean," I said and she nodded. "Those are my girl best friends, I'm also best friends with a guy named Keith. I'm the closest with those 3."

"Do you have a picture?" She asked when the woman took my hands out of the bowl and dried them. She went to work trimming my cuticles and buffing my nails on the left hand so I tugged out my phone to pull up a picture.

"This one is Allura, Pidge, Keith, Uh that's Lance's best friend Hunk, and that's Shiro he's a few years older," I said, pointing them out.

"Oh Keith's a cutie," she said, peering closer.

"You and Veronica must share a similar taste," I said and she blushed slightly.

"Your friends must be nice," she said.

"What about you? What's your life like?" I asked, giving the nail tech my other hand.

"It's alright I guess. I live mostly in Cuba with my mom but I've got a room with my dad in France, Minea to be exact."

"Wow, that must be cool," I said. "You must get to travel a ton."

"I guess. My parents are divorced so...I like it here more anyways my dad is kinda stand-offish. I spend most time with my friends though, or with the McClains. I did for a long time until they moved."


"Yeah, Rosa is like my favorite person in the whole world," she said. I felt my stomach drop, feeling guilty for being jealous. She just liked to be around them. It was slightly discouraging, seeing as she was probably a better fit for the family than I was. I felt like I was keeping them from her or something by being here. I was stealing her summer time from them. "You okay?"

"Huh? Yeah," I replied.

"We should go get ice cream after this, there's this Thai rolled ice cream place a couple stores down," she said.

"Yeah that sounds like fun," I replied. She glanced at her hands as the woman began putting on her color.

"You and Lance seem to like each other a lot," she commented. I watched the woman paint my thumb with a beautiful shade of blue.

"I do, though sometimes I think he likes me too much," I said.

"I can see that, I mean he's practically obsessed with you. I think it's sweet," she replied.

"How long have you known him?" I asked.

"Since we were kids. They used to live down the street," she said.

"You seem to fit in pretty well with them," I replied. She looked over at me with a soft smile.

"I guess." When she glanced back at her hands I could see her smile dip into a frown. "Wait do you think—"


"Do you think you're not?" She asked and I pressed my lips into a thin line, watching the nail tech begin a second coat. "You're a perfect fit and I've only met you for like an hour." I hummed in agreement, but I wasn't so sure. It was just idle chat for a while. I liked Safie, I really did, but I couldn't shake the feeling even more now. When we met up with the rest for ice cream, Lance looked warmly at my nails.

"Blue huh?" He asked with a grin and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Like mine?" Safie asked, and I noticed she was back to her energetic state. He grasped her hand, looking at them and I just watched them get along. She was much better suited for him, wasn't she.

Perfect fit, huh?


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