𝑺𝒐𝒈𝒈𝒚 𝑪𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 :: 02

Start from the beginning

His father let out an audible sigh as he folded up his newspaper, placing it on the table. "Pot holes, Jimin? Really? Why not use your position to obtain things of greater value? You know... stuff that will actually benefit your education."

Jimin pulled his lips in, spoon dancing within the milk of his cereal. "You've always taught me to be materialistic, so that's what I'm doing. I want a better parking lot and the other students will praise me for it."

"I suppose if that's your goal, then that's all that matters," Mr. Park said with a dullness in his voice while picking up his newspaper once again, stuffing his nose into it.

"As long as he has a goal, shouldn't that be enough, darling? He's no less resolved than we are," Mrs. Park chimed in, finally dropping her phone from her face to give her son a soft smile.

Jimin smiled in return, knowing he could always count on his mother to have his back. Maybe she was a little fake toward others and definitely had her moments, but he loved her most in the world because she always put him first.

His father simply grunted in response. Not with a particular tone; just to acknowledge his wife.

"Well, I should probably head out. I have things to do before classes start," Jimin announced as he reached for his bag, slipping the straps over his arms.

"You didn't even touch your cereal, dear. Are you sure you're ready to go?" his mother questioned.

Jimin nodded his head. "Just not really hungry right now," he said in dismissal. His parents were usually gone for work early in the mornings, and so to have the both of them sitting there made it hard for him to skip his breakfast that he probably shouldn't had even poured in the first place.

"Okay, well then dump it down the toilet. It's probably soggy at this point and nobody likes soggy cereal," his mother concluded as she stood up from her seat, grabbing her purse in her hand.

"Okay - are you guys both working late tonight?" he asked as he grabbed the sad bowl of cereal.

"Yes, we'll both be out late tonight and probably be home extremely early in the morning. There's plenty of things in the fridge you can fix up for dinner. Sound good?"

"Yes," Jimin said quickly. He was a good cook, but that's only because he had been encouraged to cook at a young age. Although the Park's were wealthy, they didn't believe in things such as maids and personal assistants. Independence was what they believed in, and so Jimin had no choice but to grow up faster than most kids did. At the time, he had a lot to complain about. But very soon he learnt how to hold his tongue, and now he was grateful that he could do most things on his own.

But that didn't mean he wanted to be alone. He wanted to find somebody. His parents wanted him to find somebody. He just hadn't found the right person yet. Nobody ever piqued his interest or made his heart thrum in his chest. He couldn't remember the last time he blushed or felt butterflies in his stomach. But was it even possible to remember when he felt as though he never actually experienced it in the first place?

Jimin shook his head, making his way to the closest bathroom where he disgarded of the now soggy cereal. In the meantime, he concluded his parents had slipped out the door because he heard it echo upon closing. He then returned to the kitchen, placing his bowl into the washer along with the rest of the dirty dishes. Jimin then washed his hands, proceeding to exit his house as well and make his way to school.

But something stopped him; and boy was that something big.

Jungkook had that same boy from the night prior caged in against a motorcycle. His hands were pressed to the leather seat right by the boy's ass, said male's arms wrapped around Jungkook's neck.

Jimin's eyes widened incredulously as he covered his mouth with his hand, his stomach churning at the sight. He couldn't fathom the idea of two boys kissing in the first place, but the fact that they were doing it in broad daylight and in public only seemed to make matters worse.

And just as Jimin was about to look away and hop into his Mercedes, he locked gazes with Jungkook. The latter continued to claim the strange boy's lips while also staring into Jimin's eyes, pressing his body further into the male he was making out with.

Jimin felt his face heat up, unmistakably seeing Jungkook's lips pull into a smirk. He shielded his eyes, rushing to get inside of his Mercedes clumsily as he chucked his bag into the passenger seat, fingers curling around the steering wheel while his gaze rooted itself to the garage door. He couldn't collect the foreign thoughts that flooded his mind, but he was very soon knocked out of his daze as he heard a motorcycle speed past him and down the road.

This caused him to jolt, as he then peered over his shoulder to find Jungkook and the mystery boy gone, as well as the bike he was propped on.

He turned to face his dashboard, eyes fluttering shut as he released a heavy sigh, the small puff of air brushing at his white knuckles. This was way too much for him to mull over. His head hurt and his stomach was aching. He pressed his hands to his cheeks, finding that they were still hot.

He shook his head, looking at the time to find that he was going to be late for his first block. Completely unheard of for him. He was always on time, and if not, he was early. But it seemed as though today was going to be completely different; although it wasn't as if it was already onto a bad start.

He twisted his body, placing his right hand on the head rest of the passenger seat as he looked out the back window, reversing into the street. It didn't take him long before he drove off, shamefully exceeding the speed limit by a small margin to save some lost time. Unfortunately, though, finding a parking spot as soon as he made it to school was next to impossible. Many people parked like assholes and that didn't make things any easier. But as soon as he was able to find a spot, he rushed into the school and then to his first block class without taking time to stop at his locker.

"Suh-sorry, Mrs. Kim. Sorry for being late," Jimin panted as he stopped in the doorway, doubling over with his hands pressed to his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"I must say Jimin, I'm surprised at your tardiness. Nonetheless, our lesson has already started so please take a seat so I may continue."

Jimin continued to mutter his sorry's, pressured to make his way to his seat. Which he did.

Only to find that somebody was already sitting in it.


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