Chapter 2

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Korean - Normal Text
English - Bolded
Spanish - Bolded & Slanted


~Leah's POV~

The bell rung, initiliazing that class ended.

"Let's leave last." Rosalinda said to us, Ali and I agreeing.

Everyone rushed out of class while we took our time to gather our things. I was the first one to finish gathering my things. As I looked around, the three boys were in their corner, looking at us.

"Um, you guys can go." I said. "We want to leave last."

"Yeah, no can do." The one who Allison picked a fight with said. "We always leave last."

"Well things can change." Allison spoke.

"No, I don't think so." The same boy said.

"Look mister-" Allison started to say as she wagged her finger.

"Ali." Rosa stopped her. "We're all packed, let's just go. We don't want to be late."

"Fine." Ali snarled.

We all headed out and checked our schedules only to find out that Ali and I had next class together but Rosa didn't.

"Ugh I don't want to be by myself." Rosa groaned.

"It'll be okay, Rosa!" I stayed positive for her.

"If you can, just text us." Ali said.

"I don't have your numbers, though." Rosa said.

"Oh yeah, right, we just met a few days ago..." Ali said. "Give me your number and I'll make a group chat."

"Sounds good." Rosa said.

Ali took down Rosa's number and we scurried to our classes so we wouldn't be late. Ali and I arrived at where our class would be and started to walk in, only to be stopped at the doorway.

"Excuse me, Leah." I heard somebody say in broken English.

Both Ali and I turned around, only to find the only boy out of the three who hadn't talked yet. He was tall and had a skinny face. To me he was the most handsome.

"You left in class." He said, sticking his arm out.

In his hand was one of my keychains. I checked my backpack to see it wasn't on there.

"Oh it must have fell off." I said, taking it from him. "Thank you so much."

"Wait, you speak Korean?" He asked.

"A little." I nodded.

"Oh, well now I just feel embarrassed." He looked down.

"Don't." I smiled. "Your broken English was cute. And I like that you tried."

The boy looked up at me and just smiled.

"Okay, Leah, we gotta go." Ali pulled my arm.

Before I could say anything to the boy, I was already dragged into class.

"Don't get caught up with him, Leah." Ali said. "He's trouble."

"I don't know." I said. "He seems nice to me."

"That's how they get you!" Ali exclaimed.

That's when she was interrupted by the teacher. Once again, we had to introduce ourselves to the class. After doing so, we took an empty pair of seats that were at the back of the class. Ali took the time to make a group chat while I tried my best to pay attention to the teacher.


~Rosa's POV~

I arrived at my class with a minute to spare. My teacher saw me and pulled me over.

"You're the new exchange student, right?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"How do you pronounce your name?"

"Rosalinda but you can call me Rosa."

"Okay, your seat is next to Jinwoo." He said. "Jinwoo, raise your hand."

I looked at the class and saw a hand shoot up in the air. It was none other than the popular blonde boy who complimented my name. Next to him was an empty seat by the wall. I took a deep breath before walking over. I tried my best to avoid eye contact or any kind of contact for that matter. I took my seat and took out my things for class. I stalled to wait for Ali's text but it took forever.

"The teacher's kind of strict on phones, just so you know." Jinwoo said.

I slightly looked at him, not wanting to be rude or anything.

"Oh, um, okay, thanks." I mumbled.

"Hey, you like soccer?!" He suddenly asked with excitement.

I looked to see him looking at my charm bracelet which had a soccer ball charm.

"Oh, yeah, it's my favorite sport." I replied.

"Mine too!" He exclaimed. "And I'm really good."

He made a cute confident look which caused me to giggle.

"You are huh?" I asked. "I am too."

"Really? We should play some time!"

I opened my mouth to say something when I realized who I was talking to. I turned my head away and cleared my throat.

"No thanks." I mumbled.

"Oh." The boy said. "Okay."

The sad tone in his voice made me feel bad. He turned away from me and faced forward. I couldn't help but feel really bad as he seemed so excited to play with me. However, a text from Ali distracted me. She made a group chat for us and I hid my phone most of class while I texted them.

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! This chapter is kinda short too but I didn't know what else to add to it. I know I'm kinda taking forever to get through their first day but this way it's more dramatic and stuff. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you soon. Biez!

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