School shooting🤨

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" after the school bus crash, i am done seeing injured kids. I can't bare seeing it" April went and sat down on the chair next to Ethan.

"Im agreeing this time" he said
"Hey, Maggie, what is with that face?" Natalie asked
She was staring at her pager
"Sorry to ruin the party guys, but we have a shooting.." she alarmingly said
" what? Were?" Natalie and April asked
" East Chicago high school. I need staff over there now. Crockett, Natalie, Ethan. Go get some stuff, go there with the ambulances" Maggie said
Everyone stud up
"So much for kids" April said and went over to find medical equitment
"First one coming in! Will, April take it!!" Maggie shouted across the ED.
"Male, 16 year old, shot twice in the stomach and chest area. BP is 90/60 and heart rate 160. Was given two plazmas on the field." Emily said rolling in a boy
" Hey, can you tell me your name?" Will asked
"Noah." The boy said in pain
" okay, Noah, can you tell me if you this hurts" Will asked
"Too much in pain, April, push 2 ml of morpine, hang a bag of saline and plazma" Will said


The trio had arrived and Casey with Severide had aproached them

" the school campus is not big, but the kids are everywhere. 1/4 we have located, but there are, too many injured. I need one doctor with me, because there are a couple classrooms which are locked and slammed tight shut with whoever knows what. There might be injured." Casey said

"I'll go" Natalie said

"I'll go looking around" Ethan said

" Marcel, come with me. They have opend a room full with injured.

They all ended up going to that one classroom.

" hey, buddy, did you get hurt?" Ethan aproached a boy.

He revealed his leg all bloody.

"Mind, if i take a look" he said

" no" the boy said

Pheramedics were ready to put him on a gurney.

" no exits, we need to get these two to med now" Ethan said and continued to search for more injured

"I'm Natalie. I'm gonna help you, okay?" She said
"Okay" a girl said
She was shot multiple times
"Put her on the gurney, she needs surgery, we can't help her here really" Natalie said and continued

It had been two hours. They had swept almost the whole place, and doctors had begun to leave with critical patients.

Severide had walked in a room and saw a door. Halfway opend door. He peeked and saw a body which was slightly moving.

"Hey, MARCEL, COME OVER" Severide shouted

They approached a girl who was shot in her shoulder.

" hey, sweety, can you hear me?" Marcel asked

"Mhm" she replied

" im gonna look at that wound okay?" He said and gently removed her hand off

"An artery is busted open, she has been bleeding for a while. We need to get her to med now" he said to Severide

Okay, im going to call an ambulance to get ready" he said

"What is happening, what happend" the girl said in pain
"You got badly shot. We need to get you to a hospital to get you better" he said
" if this helps, i found this" Severide showed and elestic bandaid.
" im gonna hold her up, and you put it over here, pressing over the wound" Marcel said
" got it" Severide said
"That hurts" the girl said
" i know, but it is for your well being" Marcel said
When Severide had put on the bandaid, They took her out of the classroom slowly and put her on the gourney.

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