Chapter 12 The unexpected

Start from the beginning

Me: Wee this is so much fun

Salem smile at me seeing me having fun as I fly on the nevermore

A few minutes later

The nevermore landed on Salem armrest then she got me off of the nevermore and hug me for a bit

Salem: It look like you have fun riding the nevermore did you "rubbing my head"

Me: Yeah that was so much fun even though It was just a regular size bird it was fun "smile at her"

Salem: "in her tough" He so adorable when I see him I want to keep him but I can't because of Ozpin he'll invade my castle If I do

Back at beacon

Ozpin POV

Me: "In my tough" I sensing something that Salem is up to no good so I have a look at what she sees

I take a look and see that Salem was petting something as I try to look closer and see that it was and it was (y/n) I was shocked that Salem has (y/n)

Me: "In my tough" But the quested is how did he get there but never the less we need to get (y/n) back

Me: Glynda get the teleportation dust ready

She nod and get them

Me: don't worry (y/n) will save you

As I get ready Glynda came back with the dust

Glynda: Where are we going? "She ask me"

Me: Were going to Salem castle to get (y/n) back

Glynda was shock of how (y/n) was In her castle but she nod and we were on our way

One teleport later

We arrive at Salem Castle and there were a few alpha Grimm in the way but they were dealt with quickly then we got to the throne room as we arrive I see Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald in there with a shocking surprise look and then see Salem with (y/n)

Me: Salem give back (y/n)

(y/n): Miss Salem what going on "Sound scare"

Salem: There nothing to be afraid of (y/n) "look at me" So I guess you see through my eyes did you

Me: Yes now let (y/n) go or else "started to yell"

Salem: Try if you must "started to yell back"

Salem put (y/n) down on her throne and get up then Mercury, Cinder, And Emerald have their weapon out and get to there fighting position as Cinder body was up in flame, as Mercury was ready to do a High jump kick, as Emerald was ready to shout at us, and Salem was looking at me with an evil grind of hers then Me and Glynda got our weapon out too as I have my cane ready for combat and Glynda have her rod ready and We were about to start a fight until

(y/n): STOP FIGHTING! "He yelled"

We all stop and stand still as Cinder flame disappear as well with Salem grind then everything went quiet then (y/n) spoke

(y/n): Why you all fighting all of the sudden aren't we all Friend I don't want to see my friend fight over me so please don't fight, please

We look at each other after hearing what (y/n) say and It took the rest of them in a surprising shock as we feel sad at what we were about to do then (y/n) started to cry then Glynda and Emerald go get (y/n) and try to cheer him up as I walk over to Salem

Me: Salem be honest to me did you do anything bad to him

Salem: No I did not he too young and to sweet to be in harm so I decide not to hurt (y/n) and also decide not to attack your school anymore because it will traumatize the boy and you know the reason

Me: Then How about a peace treating so we can have good care to (y/n) together

Salem Think about it for quest sometime until she answers

Salem: We have a deal but I can't control the grimm all the time you know there are using there animal instant and the leader of the white fang will not be pleased to hear

Me: Then it is settle know we need to sign the paper and were done

Glynda and Emerald walk toward us with (y/n) who stop crying as Emerald was carrying him

Me: Sorry (y/n) we didn't mean to have that argument and scary you

Salem: Yes I'm am sorry too please forgive us "rubbing (y/n) head"

(y/n): It okay It just never see friend fight before it was scary like the first time I got kidnap and hurt "sad tone at the last part"

Me: It good to see that your fine we thought that you were kidnaped again

Glynda: Is this your first time meeting him Salem? "she ask"

Salem: No the first time I meet (y/n) is when Cinder was babysitting but she forgot that we have a meeting that day

Glynda: Well it seems that we were all worry over nothing but at least we are now at peace

Me: you are right Glynda now there is peace between beacon and Salem

Salem: Let continue the fun should we (y/n)

(y/n): Okay miss Salem

They continue the fun as me and Glynda see how Salem change by just this child it make me all happy with joy

Glynda: Cinder were heading back to beacon can you take (y/n) back to beacon once It time to go

Cinder: Sure Glynda we will bring (y/n) back

Me and Glynda were off and going back to beacon

Cinder POV

We were having fun with (y/n) and seeing Salem is having a good time with (y/n)

Salem: It seems to be getting late "look at (y/n) who was slowly fall asleep" Cinder take (y/n) back to beacon and your friend along the way

We nod as I pick up (y/n) without waking him up then I open the portal then we going and we were back at our dorm and we get ready to bed Emerald grab (y/n) and hug him then we go to sleep

Narrator: I guess that Ozpin and Salem are at peace but there are more chapter to be made like reader go to Atlas or more But I'm not stopping the story till the reader have a good ending Thank for reading and have a good day

Gentle and caring giantess RWBY x male child readerWhere stories live. Discover now