Brooke's pov.

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I walked into cafe barnaboss,orders my usual vanilla bean frap, with cookie crumbles on top. I took a seat and started drinking my coffee. When someone comes up to me and asks,"Can I sit here?" It startled me at first but I mange to say,"Umm sure." He sat down and said,"what's your name,mines Nolan." "Brooke," I say a little annoyed. He looks at me right in the eyes and said,"sorry if me sitting is a little awkward,I just couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are." I was flattered if coarse but I had to stay loyal to Lucas. But of coarse I was so amused by his beautiful face I said,"No,not at all stay as long as you'd like!" "Let me take you out." Nolan said. "One time and if you hate it you can leave but if you don't I get another date." "Okay." I said. Nolan have me his number and left. I had just made a big mistake.

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