My mother got up after she shakes Nayeon's hand and left the shop in a hurry. I mean she's probably annoyed but it's not her wedding! It's mine! It doesn't matter that I'm getting married this way.. it's mine and Tzuyu's wedding. Who is clearly feeling bad now

NY: well that was harsh
Tz: maybe we should do what your mother told you gguck..
JK: are you serious? It's not her wedding to boss around
Tz: if you say so *smiles at him*
NY: *gags* okay you two lovebirds, you have time to do that at home. Now tell me ideas and you like from here

Nayeon noona said making us clelary uncomfortable but it's Nayeon she always does that.

NY:so based on the pictures you like I'll have some ideas ready so one of you can come and pick them up- or even better why don't you come for dinner tonight? Me and Jinie will be really happy to have you and catch up like old times..
JK: I mean I would like that. Tzu?
Tz: yeah sure! I miss us all being besties!

Does this word hit different to me that when she said it years ago? And why it does...

NY: great! Me and Jin will cook your favorite which is...

Me and Tzuyu looked at eachother and smiled and said in one voice

Tzukook: Bulgogi and Kimchi!
NY: I knew it. Just like always. Okay we'll you at 7.00?
Tz: great then

Me and Tzuyu got up and walked out of the shop

JK: so.. you want me to pick you up later and drive together to Jin and Nayeon's?
Tz:I mean I can drive myself
JK: oh.. s-sorry yeah I know I guess I'll see you there. Bye Tzuyu sshi *leaves*

Tzuyu's pov: did I just mess up? Oh nooo gguckis embarrassed now! Why am I so dump? Ugh whatever.. I have to go and pick up somethings from my grandparents now anyways. I get in my car and drive up to the house

 I get in my car and drive up to the house

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I get out my keys and open the door. Inside I see my grandpa looking so fragile while sitting on the couch and watching TV. Once I closed the door he turned to be and smiled widely

Grandpa: oh my girl, how are you doing? We missed you so much
Tz: yes grandpa I know.. I'm fine and I'm sorry I don't come so often anymore there's just so many things happening at once right no and..
Grandma: relax my precious girl. Everything will turn out the way it needs in the end. Things take time

Said my grandma who was walking slowly out of the kitchen. She smiled and we hugged. We then sat down next to grandpa and talked for a while

Grandma: so honey what is that is bothering you? You seem to never calm down
Grandpa: your nani is right Tzuyu sshi, are you okay?
Tz: um.. how to say this the right way. You see grandma, grandpa.. something happened with a.. will and now I'm kind of getting married... *looks down*

When I looked back up at them they weren't so suprised as I thought. In fact they weren't at all! My grandma then got up from the, went to a set of drawers they had and when she came back she was holding a letter for me

Grandma: Tzuyu sshi, we knew this would happen some day. Your parents were never the best kind. As much as it hurts to say that for my daughter as well, all they wanted was money and since the Jeons were in a crisis they dicided on you getting married with their son
Grandpa: we know it's hard for you honey since you don't know this man. But all you have to do is pray and everything will be fine in the end
Tz: I actually do know him.. we used to be best friends but that was a long time ago
Grandma: that's good I guess. Now my kid I wanted to give you this. Your parents sent you here since they don't have your current address. It's a letter I don't know what is says, it's yours

My grandma gave it to me with a faint smile. I looked at it and put it in purse without caring much. I look at my phone and the time is 6.15 which means I should get going

Tz:I'm sorry guys I have to leave I need to be somewhere. I'll come by again later

We hugged and I left. As I got in my car I threw my purse on the passenger side sit, what can this letter be about? How come my parents remembered me all of a sudden?


Hmm.. true what would her parents want from Tzuyu all of a sudden? Also we still have that dinner with the old friends☺️

I also want to apologize for the long wait on the chapter, I had many exams and have a test tomorrow as well. But I couldn't wait any longer to post this🦋

Hope you enjoyed.
Peace out~


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