Eternal Sunshine

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"Thank you for your hard work guys!" Hoseok clapped.

"Thank you Mr. Jung!" Jin, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook answered before they dropped their tired body on the floor and breathe in relief.

In two months, BTS will debut so they need to double their efforts to improve their stamina because once they were introduced to the public, they would need all the energy they could muster for each performances.

Hoseok handed each members a bottle of water. "Make sure to remain hydrated and took rest for the day" he reminded them before he left the practice room.

He knew that he's a bit strict during practice but it was for the group's sake. He could see the members potential specially Jin. He might be a bit behind from the other three in dancing when they started but now he could keep up with their skills.

He was really excited for BTS debut and see the four members shine on stage. But he heard that the PD's working on the album were having problem finishing the title track so he came to the CEO, Mr. Bang, to offer his help.

He learned a thing or two about making beats because when he was still part of a dance crew in his hometown, Gwangju. He was in charge in creating mixes for their dance performance.

He also made original beats before that he used when he auditioned in an Entertainment company. They didn't accept him as an artist because, according to the Management, his visual didn't pass for their standard of "Idol material" so they asked him to be a choreographer instead.

After he finished a contract in that company for a year, he didn't sign with them again. He had enough of their bullshit. They treat their artist and employees unfairly and have some sort of hierarchy within the company. Most of their artist are brats. But in front of the public, they act as if they were a real 'family'.

Hoseok cringed when he remembered.

For few months, he became freelance choreographer, he didn't want to bind himself with contract again and he's doing fine until he stumbled across his old mentor Mr. Son.

He told him he's working under BigHit Entertainment and they were looking for a choreographer for the new boy group that they will launch. He didn't commit right away because he already learned his lesson.

Mr. Son introduced him to the CEO, Mr. Bang and he could see how he work differently from his previous employer. He seemed like a nice guy.

They talked for a while and the CEO was able to convince him to choreograph for the new group. After that, he could decide whether will sign for an exclusive contract or not.

And so far, he's enjoying his work as BTS Choreographer. Jin, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook are far from being a brat. They are all hard workers and he never heard them complain no matter how overwhelming the practice could get.

When Hoseok checked his watch, he still have time to make himself presentable for his meeting with the PD's. He heard that the PD's were known for their pseudonym RunchRanda and Gloss but no one knew how they looked like aside from Mr. Bang and the other PD's they worked with.

They usually prefer to work at night which works fine with him because dance practices usually ends at 8pm. They will meet at 10pm.

He made a quick detour to his apartment to change and get his laptop. He already heard the demo for the title track so he made some beats that might work for the bridge.

While taking a shower, Hoseok played his favorite song, Forever Rain. It was a song released by an independent artist named RM. He's actually a fan of his music but he don't have any idea what he looked like.

It was a bit ironic that someone who was known for being a "Sunshine Boy" would love a song about the rain.

But honestly, no one can be happy all the time. Everyone have struggles on their own.

And since he's known for being the mood maker, he often set aside his own problems to make other people happy. Sometimes, it's stressing him out. He will only allow himself to take off his mask when he was sure no one was watching him.

Please don’t ask any questions, but do keep pouring forever
I’m not lonely when you’re pouring, please stay by my side

Those lines hit a nerve.

When Hoseok went out, the rain was pouring hard which instantly gave him comfort.

How he wished it could rain forever.

Rain and Sunshine (NamSeok FanFic) (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें