Freddy Krueger x DEPRESSED reader

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Quick note I will write this one in '3rd person point of view'...
Also, this chapter contains some sensitive stuff. You know depression and.... Attempt of rape...

Oh and swearing.

;👄; enjoy?



Finally (y/N) fell asleep after crying for hours in (his/her/their/...) bed with the same old feeling of emptiness. (y/N) have fully given up some time ago now, but tonight is still not the night to do the thing... Who know what's stopping (him/her/them/...).

But what (y/N) didn't know is that tonight (he/she/they/...) won't have usual blue dreams, The Nightmare have other plans for (him/her/them/...)...


(Y/N) opened (his/her/their/...) eyes, the room, which at first looked like some sort of a basement felt warm, it was strange to feel anything while dreaming, wasn't it? But odd room's heat and its floor hardness didn't really faze (y/N). Instead (he/she/they/...) just stayed laying on those old uneven floors, waiting for this dream to pass on. Few minutes past and nothing happened, so (y/N) started paying attention to (his/her/their/...) surroundings, it appeared that this dream is taking place in a boiler room, and it's pretty quiet besides some tubes cracking and sometimes steam coming out of them. And then (y/N) spotted a silhouette farther away.

'Finally' (y/N) whispered.

And with that (he/she/they/...) started slothly getting up, (his/her/their/...) body felt too heavy to carry it properly with the amount of energy (he/she/they/...) had. Also (y/N) just didn't give a fuck anymore and the stranger's present didn't bother (him/her/them/...) at all. Finally (y/N) was standing and staring at that a figure in the distance with tired look on (his/her/their/...) face.

'So, what's next?' (y/N) spoke loud enough for the stranger to hear.

The response was short and clear, the guy just made some threatening sounds with his weird-ass looking blade glove and started approaching (y/N). With confusion yet intrigued (y/N) started slowly backing up. Until the stranger stopped a few steps away from (him/her/them/...) and just whispered.

'You should run BITCH'

'Oh, and why?' (y/N) plainly replied to a man with a nasty burned face.

'Because it's not fun when playthings don't run and SCREAM' then the male swang at (y/N) with his blade glove, cutting (his/her/their/...) left shoulder pretty deep

(Y/N) with the best attempt tried not to shriek from this sudden sharp pain (he/she/they/...) felt, but eventually did let out a whine and then burst to swearing under (his/her/their/...) breath.

'What the actual fuck, why it hurts so much?!?'

*chuckles* 'Surprise darling, it's all real... Shocker huh?' now the man with a smug was waiting for (y/N) to start running... But to his even bigger surprise (y/N) just sighed and spoke once again, but this time with a weaker, softer voice.

'Well, if it's real, do me a favour, cut the bullshit and just kill me... Just end it, please...'

'You must be kidding me... The fuck is wrong with you, aren't you scared that I might just torture you?' now the stranger was confused and extremely annoyed by his "victim" behaviour.
'Boohoo, I'm not in a mood for this shit, my plans were different, so you either run or I just leave you and wake you up, so you could boringly do it yourself, with rope or whatever these days depressed bitches use to kill themselves.'

'You know, it sounds like a deal, I would run but I have basically 0 energy, I could run for less than 30 secs...' (y/N) slowly replied.

'Ok, that's it!' and with that the man started unbuckle his belt...

'What are you doing?' (y/N) got puzzled by this burned stranger's move.

'Oh, I'm about to to rape YOU, you little shit!' the guy proudly shot it back.

'Oh... Fuck' (y/N)'s eyes wided, now this was not what (he/she/they/...) expected, so (he/she/they/...) sprint away from the fucker.

'Oh, now you running? Come back you bitch!' the man started following (y/N) with half way undone belt.

(Y/N) was panicking, (he/she/they/...) might have spoken too much. (He/She/They/...) just wanted to end (his/her/their/...) misery, for once not to feel that cold emptiness of the feeling, and being raped by this fried piece of shit wasn't what (he/she/they/...) needed. Fuck no!

But this dream, this world was his, so soon enough the predator caught his prey. Trapped (n/Y) started kicking and trying to get out of this man's grip, but one good hit to (y/N) head made (him/her/them/...) dizzy and lose the footing. Now (y/N) was laying on a ground again, still attempting to fight back with the last effort, kept hitting the burned man which was now on top of (him/her/them/...) , but it was useless, the hits were too weak to stop the male...

And who knows what would happened if not that alarm which gone off and started waking up (y/N). Now the dream was quickly fading away, but (y/N) did catch the last words of the burned male.

'Aren't you lucky? Well, you better do the thing or the next time you dream we gonna continue this'

(y/N) jumped up from (his/her/their/...) bed, all stressed out, all sweaty.

'Was this even real?'

(Y/N) touched (his/her/their/...) left shoulder it was wet and it did sore. (He/She/They /...) looked at it and to (his/her/their/...) fear the cuts were real...

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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