Michael Myers x Obsession!reader

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Halloween night,
You are home alone,
Your neighbourhood became very quiet after the whole trick or treating evening.
But eventually, around midnight your quiet movie night is disturbed by sharp female scream coming from your neighbour's house - Strode family...


(11:30 pm / 23:30)

Halloween this year was very peaceful yet enjoyable enough for you. You didn't go out 'trick or treating' because you were too old for that, you stayed at home with your dad, and instead you two gave out candies to children with costumes. Of course, you didn't miss a chance to spook some kids with your costume. But all that ended around at 8pm (20:00), when trick or treaters stopped coming and soon enough your dad got a emergency call from his workplace and needed to leave, with that you decided to take off your costume, dress all comfy and go watch some horror movies. Your day would have ended peacefully, if not that scream which echoed somewhere outside of your house...

You stopped the movie and froze, now you were intently listening for any other screams of agony. Nothing. Dead silence. You got up and went to dining room to check one of the windows. At this moment you weren't that scared, since your dad had to leave to patrol the town, you made sure to lock all the doors and windows, and even pulled curtains over some windows just to feel safer, but that scream, it really gave you the chills. It sounded like a dying cry, and the fact that it seemed it was coming from your neighbours house really worried you.

'What if they are in danger? No one would scream like that for no reason, something bad must have happened... '

Your thoughts were disturbed by violent knocking on your doors and crying female voice:

"Help, please!!! Help, open your doors, please!!! Pleaaase!!!"

You immediately recognised to who that terrified voice belonged. It was Laurie Strode, and you knew her well enough to realise it's not some kind of a sick prank. You sprinted to your front doors and unlocked them to let the poor girl inside.
Laurie just collapsed on floors next to you and started crying, you closed and locked the doors and then tried to give some comfort and support to your stressed blond neighbour.

She just kept crying and mumbling one line over and over...

L: "He's back, the boogeyman... He's here..."

You hugged her and told her she's safe now, she immediately calmed down, until the sound of shattering glass was heard in the kitchen.
Blond female was petrified once again, and looked at your (e/c) eyes with fear and whispered:

L: "it's him, we need to hide or get out of here... Or he will kill us too!"

'... K-kill us too? What? Who the fvck is after her? '

Laurie's words shocked you, you two are actually dealing with a real killer... And there's no time to waste. You grabbed her hand and quietly requested her to follow you. Both of you sneaked up to the second floor to your dad's room and locked yourselves in. Then you gave Laurie instructions:

You: "Laurie, hide in my father's closet, try to calm down, control your breathing, don't come out unless I tell you... Okay? Everything's gonna be okay... "

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