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CHARLES ELLIS AROUSES SUSPICION. Perhaps not the negative type of suspicion— it's the wrong word. He is a man that leaves people mystified, curious in his wake. Would it be his... eccentric hobbies? Or his almost complete and utter normalcy once those are set aside?

His smile is disarming and he's certainly clever, intelligent, and diligent. Why, he would need to be so if he wants to be an in-demand professor. To teach tired university students about witchcraft, magicks, and et cetera would require a carefully fostered image of charisma.

Unfortunately, his impulsive tendencies say otherwise.

There's just something forcefully dragging him, pushing him, pulling him to what sates those tendencies. Packing up his neat and orderly life in London to live in a goddamned French province was a result of allowing one of those tendencies to have its way.

There are many things that want Charles' attention. He's quite like a ticking bomb, counting down to the millisecond, waiting for him to blow up and buy a shiny bauble or dust off his worn suitcases or take a train to nowhere. If he's particularly unlucky, it could be all of those.

i'm sloane, and this is my, like, fourth book on wattpad. it's my first under this account, though. so, uh, i do hope i'm talking to someone out there.
as a brief intro/note to this book, i came up with this idea at half past two in the morning while crying about my crush, who is an eastern european sex symbol, but that's besides the point.
i was all of a sudden intrigued by slavic mythology— why haven't i heard a single thing about the pagan gods and goddesses? i decided to research about it and bam, story idea. i'm lovin' it.
so that's why this idea exists.
also, i'm learning russian. i don't speak it, and i'm still a certified noob.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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