They Enjoyed The Show

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I knew something was up the minute Sir came home. He had been smirking to himself since he stepped through the door and gave me a hug.

"What is it? What's that smug look for?" I ask, hand at the hip and brows raised at the male who was unbuttoning his shirt and revealing his bare chest.

"What smug look?" He asks all innocent, practically flashing the exact smirk soon after. 

"That one. That one right on those lips of yours. I think you'd better tell me." I demand and step closer with a frown on my lips.

"Is that right? Since you're the boss I think I'd better tell you then hadn't I?" He snorts and pulls me closer, palms resting on my ass cheeks and his eyes looking down at me. "Don't talk to me again like that buttercup, I don't want to have to reprimand you so soon after yesterday." He mutters with a slight squeeze to my sore ass cheeks.

I huff and yet say nothing more on the matter, standing on my tip toes to meet his lips gently. "I'll be good." I respond and run my fingers through his short tresses, eyes level with his as my own lips form a smile - not quite the smirk his had though. 

"That's a good girl. Now come on, we're going out tonight." My brows raise again as does the corners of my lips and I'm moving to my side of the room and shifting through my drawers of clothes. "Wear a skirt or a dress buttercup. I want to see your legs." He adds and I turn to slightly narrow my eyes. I hate when he limited my style but at the same time it meant something would be occurring tonight. 

After the pair of us changing into casual outfits he returns to embracing me in his arms, fingers edging towards the hem of my skirt however and creeping up my thigh. "Mmmmm, you should wear skirts and dresses more, I do love them on you...But then I also love how any piece of clothing accents your body well." He chuckles to himself and pecks my forehead. "Come on, we're gonna go watch a film." 

Returning the brief kiss to his own cheek, I eagerly grab his hand and follow him to the door, eyes flickering to meet his and a smile thrown his way before we made our way downstairs. 

"I'm sure you'd love it if I didn't wear clothes at all you know." I chuckle as we hop into his car. 

"We can make that a house rule if you like?" I snort and lightly slap his arm at the thought of it, soon after finding my chin in his grip and his eyes on me before his lips smash into mine to ensue an intense lip lock - one of those that make you tug his hair a little and moan because you can tell he knows what he's doing. He pulls back, tugging on my bottom lip and smirking again. "It sounds like a great idea to me. We can try it out when we get back." 

I refrain from rolling my eyes but shake my head with a smile on my lips. God he was too smooth for his own good. 

The rest of the ride there involves little conversation and merely the comforting noise of the radio playing songs and adverts. His hand resting on my knee the entire time and me simply glancing at him multiple times to check he still exists. He does. 

Sir opens the door for me like the gentleman he is (unless in the bedroom), holding my hand and pulling me in for another kiss. This time my arms wrap around his waist and I purposefully brush my fingers along his waistband before pulling away and grinning up at him. "Someone's very affectionate this evening...should I be worried?" I ask and tilt my head to peck his cheek. 

He chuckles but says no more, leading me into the cinema and placing his arm around me whilst he orders tickets to a film I've never even heard of - so much for a romantic movie. All the way to our seats I fight the urge to throw a piece of popcorn at him, a small giggle escaping as we sit down and he takes the popcorn from me, placing it on his side. 

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