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"Ha! I saved your ass. Thank me." Maddie says and I turn, immediately shocked at the sight of her holding a screaming Aaron's ear.

"Let go of me, you crazy bitch!"

"What is wrong with you two now?" I say, sighing at their daily squabbles and leaning on the pillar.

"He was about to take the biggest room with the nicest view but I kicked him out and placed your luggage there."

"But I want the biggest room!"

"Shut up, both of you. Jason gets the biggest room but I still get the room with the nicest view." I say and grin at Maddie, dragging her in the house.

We sprint up the stairs and immediately get to looking. I open the door to one and notice it is completely plain. Plain white walls, plain white floor, and a plain white ceiling. But the windows are gigantic, moving from almost one wall to the other. The bright sunlight rays shone across the room and I love how it's not too small or too big.

Just perfect.

"You like it?"

I gulp at Caleb's whisper as he wraps his strong arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. His warm breath fans my neck and I close my eyes, almost losing my balance.

The effect he still has on me, oh my god.

"I do."


He lets go of me with one arm and pulls my trolley bag resting in the hallway. Maddie seems to have disappeared so I drag the trolley bag in and shove it near the wall behind the door. I exhale and lean against the wall behind me, closing my eyes and taking in the time to adjust to the fact that we will be starting a new life, right here in Washington DC.

The brightness in front of my eyes suddenly disappears and my eyes shoot open, only to meet with Caleb's captivating grey ones. His gaze holds mine intently and his hand brushes my wrist and holds it.

"What's on your mind?" He whispers as he leans in and blows his breath on my ear. My mouth emits a small gasp as the butterflies in my stomach erupt to a frenzy, most likely for the umpteenth time. I blink once and look into his eyes again when he pulls back slightly.

"Nothing to worry about."


"Caleb, I-

He interrupts me by placing a finger on my lips. "Shh."

My eyes widen at the sudden contact, the shock settling within me slowly despite us being together for a year now. My mind wanders back to the one-year anniversary we celebrated about a month ago. The entire thing – us being together, our relationship - still feels surreal till now and I don't think I am ever going to get used to his electric touch.

"Get a grip on yourself." His whisper fans my lips, my nose, up until my forehead where he places a chaste kiss on it. I close my eyes, relaxing into his touch and relishing the moment, bundling it together with the other hundreds of such intimate moments that we've had.

"You promised me you would not worry about anything anymore. We've left California and I'm pretty sure you said you will forget everything and just relax into your incoming bright-as-hell future." He says and flicks my nose, resting his forehead on mine. I smile and intertwine our fingers.

I lean in but he groans. I chuckle at his facial expression and ask him what is wrong.

"Nothing. Stop flirting or you're gonna make me wanna do things to you."

"Caleb!" I say and gasp, hitting his arm and blushing into his chest as he engulfs me once again.

"Have you called Lucy yet?" I mumble into his arms as I continue relishing the delectation Caleb's arms offer.

It's a Love-Hate relationshipHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin