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The Caine household didn't exactly resonate a 'mafia' house vibe. Sure, it wasn't bustling with people, but it didn't reek of despair either.

The women who worked here weren't bought or enslaved. They were daughters of the women working in the Caine family since it's inception. Aged between nine to twenty-three, they worked in blissful ignorance of the atmosphere they were in.

Though I couldn't blame them,  a few dozen men in suits carrying guns were the only intimidating factor in this mansion. Rest, it seemed...normal.

I had met Caine just once in my four months here. 

I stepped in the tall marble room. There weren't any pictures, just black curtains cascading in front of the windows making the room so dark, you would almost believe that it was night outside. I scanned my surroundings, there were five men with AK-47 blocking the exits to the doors.

In front of us was a mahogany table with a man sitting behind it. His dark hair fell on his eyes as he studied the documents in front of him. I tried to discreetly glance at them but they were too far away.

"Sir," Michael, the man who bought me here murmured, "All background search is done. Zara Richardson-"

"Aged 24, born in Maine, studied in the States, degree in Engineering with a straight A report card," Caine cut in, his eyes focused on the documents in front of him.

"Yes," I answered. I had expected him to research my fake identity to the fullest. He didn't go into the details but I was pretty sure that the documents in front of him had every detailed account in the life of Zara Richardson. 

He was trying to intimidate me. With his arms folded on the table,his stance seemed like a coiled up tiger, ready to pounce on his enemy the first chance it got.  

"And yet," he looked up, with piercing grey eyes and a cruel smile, "You come here to work as a maid..."

"Parents died in a car crash," I said, meeting his eyes, in the most polite way imaginable. Michael, for some reason, shifted uncomfortably beside me.

"Parents died in a car crash, Sir," he stressed. His eyes growing more menacing as he was going to grab Michael's gun and shoot me with it just the next second.

"Sorry, sir," I muttered and lowered my gaze. Shit. He needed his workers to be way too docile. I tightened my shoulders and fidgeted with my skirt, trying to look as vulnerable as I could.

Uncomfortable silence ensued between us. I glanced sideways, none of the men looked the least bit interested in our interaction.Michael just looked stoic and unconcerned, his eyes bouncing on the bare walls, anywhere but on his boss.

I met Caine's eyes again. They were still unflinching and cold. He gaze swept over my uniform in a cold-calculating manner and nodded at Michael. 

Michael nudged me with his AK-47, "Walk."

I looked at Michael and back to Caine, who had returned to his papers as if our brief interview never occurred.

"Walk," Michael repeated, more tersely this time and his nudge a little harder.

I silently walked out of the room, Michael close on heels behind me. The doors closed behind us.

Since then, it hasn't been the least bit exciting...which is good. Caine just needs his employees to respect him and mind their own business. You never really see him strolling in the mansion, but then again nobody ever does.

The girls with whom I have become acquainted with, Maya and Katrina, tell me that it's always been like this. The men standing guard at some places and the house being dead quiet. They never see Caine either, they think that there's a back entrance somewhere from which he leaves here.

It's one of my missions to find this secret back exit but the men in the hall change shifts every six hours with just a fifty second window in between. Sadly, this window is obstructed due to cameras at every entrance with Server room somewhere in the house.

The duties, on the other hand, aren't crazy hard either. I am in charge of the washing of dishes and cooking some side dishes, which I do unnoticed. 

The mafia house doesn't have any wanted criminals nor any unwanted bureaucrats as guests.

I was starting to think that my assignment here was going to be wasted with no additional information on the most feared crime family in America. 

Luckily, it all changed when the annual Caine family ball occurred. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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