Chapter Two

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"So, what'll it be?" The bartender asked just as I sat down across from my knight in shining armor.

"Lemon water and a napkin if you have, please."

I could see the confusion on the waitress' face, "Lemon water?"

"Yeah, lemon is a good antiseptic, you know for his—," I motioned to his face not needing to say anything else. The dirty blonde-haired woman nodded as she wrote it down.

"And to drink? This ain't urgent care."

"Three rounds of Gin for me, and for the lady?" He looked at me with both eyebrows raised waiting for an answer. 

"Coconut rum please."

"Three rounds of coconut rum. All right," he cheered. I didn't know how he was in such good spirits after all that had just happened.

The bartender nodded and walked away to prepare your orders.

"I did not peg you as a rum woman," he slowly muttered.

"No? White wine, or chardonnay maybe?" He smiled, nodding his head before shaking it.  

Of course, he'd assumed yet another thing about me. It seemed he couldn't help himself. For a second I wondered why but quickly shrugged it off. "As I said, you know nothing about me

"All right let's start with your name. What's your name?" The way he looked at me made his curiosity clear to see.

I thought about it. If he knew my name, he could easily search it across social media. I didn't want that happening. I wanted to keep my anonymity as long as possible, hopefully through this entire situation until I knew what to do. "No names."

His eyebrows shot up again. "No name, huh. Kinky."

That laugh that came out was unexpected. It felt foreign like I hadn't laughed in forever.  Shaking my head, I tried to shake the thought away.

"So, what do I call you?" 

You shrugged. "You pick."

He gave an exaggerated look that said he was thinking extra hard. He looked goofy, but through the goofiness, he was still cute.

"You know what, I think I'll stick with fancy," he finished.

I rolled my eyes, he had to be kidding. "Not so fancy anymore, my shoes are ruined, stockings ripped. I'm a mess."

"Clothes don't make the woman fancy. The woman makes the woman fancy." He spoke as if he knew this for a fact, knew from experience. Maybe he'd been with plenty of fancy women. 

You leaned closer to him and looked deeper into his eyes, assessing them--assessing him. "Are you concussed?"

He snorted and laughed heartily then slapped his hand across his chest. As he threw his head back it gave me a good view of his perfect teeth. I couldn't help but smile a little too. The bartender returned with a tray full of drinks and the lemon water.

"Also found a first aid kit behind the bar," she informed.

"Thank you."

After the placed the drinks down she walked off again. With opening the kit I surveilled the items inside. A band-aid and some ointment were the only things that were in there, everything else was absent. When I looked back to him his eyes were glued to me.


"Nothing." He shook his head and broke eye contact with you.  "All right fancy nurse, do your worst."

the ridiculous name was what made me smile. not that he looked adorable while saying it. I scooted the high backed stool closer to him just as he leaned over the table. After I dipped the napkin into the lemon water I dabbed his split eyebrow. He barely flinched. Though it was a superficial wound, the citrus acid in the lemon should have made him hiss at least. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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