Part Seven Chapter Eight: From Man to Monster

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The gems and the fusion gazed at Steven. It was silent, all that could be heard were the heavy breaths of the beast in front of them. Steven was gone... he had fully corrupted! Steven roared in a deep pitch. It broke the barrier that trapped him in with Spinel and the fusion.

The fusion covered her face from the drool that flew out of his mouth. She glared nervously at the corrupted Steven. She didn't know what to think.

"Steven," Pearl screamed in concern.

Steven whipped his head around, showing them his face. He had horns practically everywhere on his spine, and two on his forehead. He had a row of dagger, sharp, teeth! He was about as tall as Alexandrite! He stood on all fours, and even had a spiky tail. And his eyes were black, with pink pupils.

Spinel cowered below him, obviously frightened for her life! She wanted to run, but was frozen with fear.

"Steven," the fusion yelled to him. "I'm not scared of you! Fight me!"

She held up her fist, and glared at him. Steven whipped his head around and stared at her. He let out a nasty roar and charged at her. The fusion yelped, and unfused. Jasper fell to the sand, as did Tanzanite.

"WHAT ARE YOU-doing," Jasper squeaked out the last part, as Steven raised a foot above her.

He stomped on her with full force, causing her to poof, luckily, not shattering her. Tanzanite scrambled to her feet, and ran to her ship. She got in and activated it. It started to fly away, until it was suddenly stopped.

Tanzanite squealed, pulling up a holoscreen. Steven has his jaws clenched on her thrusters, not letting go.

"Get off my ship," Tanzanite squeaked.

She activated the canons, and shot a blast at Steven.

"STEVEN," all the gems screamed in fear.

The small amount of smoke cleared, and it had no effect on him!

"WHAT," Tanzanite yelled.

Tanzanite fires a barrage at Steven, sots hit him left and right. Still... they had no effect. Steven whipped his head, and threw the ship to the ground. It caused a small explosion, and the ship was now on fire.

"Steven," Garnet yelled. "Stop this!"

Steven roared and went to stomp down on the ship, to completely obliterate it. He crashed his foot onto it, and raised it slowly. Bits of the ship were pricked in his foot.

Tanzanite, somehow only cracked, crawled helplessly out of the ship. Steven spotted her, and swung his tail at her. Tanzanite braced for impact... but it never came?! She was saved?! By... Spinel?!

Spinel landed at a same distance from Steven. She put Tanzanite down carefully, and told her to stay there.

Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl were shocked but proud. They took out their weapons, ready to fight.

"Do we really have to do this," Pearl asked Garnet.

"It's the only way," Garnet said sadly.

Pearl nodded, and looked back at Steven.

"Steven," Garnet screamed. "We know you're in there!"

Steven turned to them, and let out another roar. He started to walk over to them. They stood their ground, for now. When Steven was in front of them, towering over them, he looked closer at them. He leaned down and let out a snort.

"Dude," Amethyst said. "We don't want to fight you!"

Steven stood up straight again, and roared louder than before.

"There's no other option... GEMS," Garnet yelled.

The three of them got together and started to fuse. They formed Alexandrite, who punched the ground. She roared back at Steven.

Tanzanite and Spinel watched from afar, worried for their lives. Spinel, however, was worried for more than one. She was conflicted whether she should help or stay behind.

Steven roared once more, and kicked the sand, readying to charge. He took off, head out, horns pointing at Alexandrite. She quickly reacted and grabbed them. She fought against his force, pushing back. Steven's tail whipped around, and smacked Alexandrite back against the mountain.

She shook her head quickly and then looked up. She saw Steven charging again, and jumped over him. Steven ran into the wall, causing some rubble to fall on him, and causing him to get stuck. Alexandrite took this opportunity and ran at him. She elbowed his back, and socked his jaw, causing one of his horns to break off and getting him unstuck. Steven stumbled back, as Alexandrite rushed him. He reacted with his tail, trying to hit her again. Alexandrite easily countered him though, and grabbed his tail. She slid to a stop, causing a cloud of sand to block Spinel's and Tanzanite's vision.

Alexandrite whirled around like a tornado, and threw Steven into the air. She bent down, then rocketed off the ground. She raised all fists, and spiked Steven into the ground. His impact caused a huge crater to be made in the sand. Spinel and Tanzanite stood strong against the force of impact.

Tanzanite fell back to the ground, landing on her feet. She looked down at Steven, and waited to see if he was ok.

Steven lay there, eyes closed. Spinel and Tanzanite could finally see again, and saw Steven in the ground. Spinel ran over, even though it was unsafe. She wanted to make sure Steven was ok. She slid down into the crater, Alexandrite was unable to stop her.

"STEVEN," she screamed. "STEVEN PLEASE!"

Steven still lay there... until...

Spinel felt Steven start to shift. He started to wake up from his dazed state. He opened his eyes with an angered expression. He stood slowly, causing Spinel to slide off him slowly. She fell pretty hard on her back. Steven stood tall again, but something was different. It looked like there were small, pink, sparks in his eyes. Slowly, Alexandrite and Spinel saw what was happening. Steven's body began to turn pink, and his jaw twitched. Once fully pink, it seemed like he was going to explode. Tanzanite tried to quickly pick up and shield Spinel... but she wasn't fast enough. Steven let out the most powerful roar yet! It was fueled by his pink powers! It broke the glass of his home, and sent Spinel and Alexandrite flying into the wall. Alexandrite unfused, and the gems fell hard on the ground, but didn't poof. And Spinel lay hurt on the sandy surface.

Steven turned purple again, and walked slowly to them. His stomps shook the ground. The gems looked up to see Spinel on the floor. Amethyst ran to her, trying to help her wake up. Pearl and Garnet stared at Steven in fear, as he now towered over them. Eyes glaring and teeth ready, he let out a small snort, and roared once more.

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