Alec coming out to Izzy

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I think Alec would be 14-15 when he did this.

"Izzy," Alec said. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure," Izzy replied, ans Alec pulled her into his room.

Alec stood there, breathing heavily and thinking for a moment after he shut his door.

"Yes, Alec?" Izzy asked, seemigly impatient.

"I... this is hard to say," Alec buried his face in his hands.

Isabelle could now tell that something was up with her brother. "Alec... is something wrong?"

Alec shook his head. "No... it's that I think I-I'm in love with Jace,"

Isabelle did not seem shocked, much to Alec's surprise. "Really?" was all she said. Alec nodded.

"Do you think you're gay?" She asked slowly.

Alec furrowed his brow. "What does that mean?"

"Are you completely attracted to boys? Not girls, at all?"

Alec nodded, and buried his face in his hands once again.

Izzy came closer to Alec and lifted his head. "Alec, it's okay," she whispered. "It's not a bad thing,"

"I know, but what will Mom and Dad think? I doubt there any other Shadowhunters out there that are... t-hat are... gay," The new word felt foreign on his tongue.

"I'm sure there are, and I'm positive that Mom and Dad won't care," Izzy answered.

"You really think so?"

"Yes, I do. And thank you for telling me, I can understand how it would be hard."

"Izzy, don't tell anyone. Especially not Jace!" Alec exclaimed.

"I won't. I promise,"

"Thank you," Alec replied quietly.

"Of course, Alec, you're my brother." She gave him a quick hug and left his room, leaving him standin g and thinking once again.

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