Chapter 55: Finalizing Details

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Ben's POV:

I instantly relax knowing that she is ok. Now that she is sealed off in our room again, I want nothing more than to get this ceremony started so she can be back in my arms, at last, It has only been one day and I am already missing her like crazy. Poe and Finn join me in making sure all the preparations are done. Everything looks perfect. The scattered use of this golden-yellow colored throughout the spaces reminds me of rays of light. Rey actually picked out the color which surprised me a little since I know how much she loves forest green but I loved it though since it reminded me of my favorite nickname for her. The candles throughout the space pushed this light theme even more with them being a physical representation of it. I paced up and down the aisle a few times making sure the cloth we laid down had no lumps and bumps. I wouldn't want my precious desert flower to trip and fall after all.

Looking around I feel my anxiety start to heighten and my palms grow sweaty. "Ben... Look at you. You're starting to freak out just as bad as your father on our wedding day." I turned around to see my mother's force ghost, a smile once again spreading across my face. "Good to see you too mom," I say before pulling her into a hug. All that was left to do was get ready and wait for everyone to arrive. "I'm serious. If you're not careful you will forget all the little sweet moments that will happen today." She says with a small laugh. "I know, I just still can't believe this is actually happening," I explain as I pull away. "I am happy for the both of you guys. After everything you have been through together, you guys deserve this. I can't stay long since I have another job to do, but I wanted to let you know that we all approve of this union." She explains with a giant smile. "Thank you, I am so glad. Even without everyone's approval, I would have still made her mine and I hers but it means a lot to us that we do have it." We hug one final time before she fades away. Her visit gave me the confidence I needed to get through this and enjoy it to the fullest. I head off to my room to finish getting ready. 'I can't wait to make this wonderful woman mine.'

Finn's POV:

As we were getting ready I got a notification from the Resistance on my halopad. There had been sightings of more Sith followers coming together in groups. They appeared to be planning something but no one still had any clues as to who the leader was or to what their actual plan was. Their shift in pattern is enough to be of concern, the members at the main base would not reach out otherwise. I decided to keep this information to myself for the time being. I don't want to worry everyone on Rey and Ben's big day. So I try my best not to worry about it until there's something more to worry about.

I return to the group and just in time for the ceremony to start. "To your places everyone" I announce.

Ben's POV:

I reach my spot at the end of the aisle. All the confidence I had mere moments ago was gone and I'm starting to panic again. I realize I don't really recognize a single face in the audience. I force myself to breathe as Chewie and C3PO come to stand next to me. "You're doing great, your father was freaking out more than you, you got this'' Chewie growls out trying to help me relax. "I just hope Luke shows up like planned. Force ghosts can be pretty unpredictable." I explain, remembering my mother's random appearance from earlier. Chewie nods his head in understanding of the statement. Right as the ceremony begins I feel a shift in the force. Luke, Anakin, and my mother appear next to me along with the other force ghosts I have come to know to appear all over the room in a surprise appearance. The only one I don't see is my sweet little girl and my heart aches, wishing she was here.

I couldn't wait to see Rey walk down the aisle anymore. I reach out my hand and use the force to open the doors at the other end of this ceremony hall in order to start the ceremony.

Rey's POV:

We are just about to leave my room and head to the ceremony and butterflies are already beginning to flip in my stomach. Finn is going to be the one to walk me down the aisle. Poe and Rose kept arguing over who was going to carry the wedding bands so I decided why not both, each carrying one, BB-8 and R2D2 are my bride droids.

I feel the force shift and the little girl in grey Jedi robes appears in front of me. I know she from the story Ben has shared with me over and over since it is one of my absolute favorites. I dropped my bouquet on the floor and immediately swooped her up in a giant hug. "Wait a minute who is this?" All my friends ask at almost the same time. I ignore them and focus on the little one in my arms. "Oh, sweetie what a wonderful surprise!" I nearly scream as I hold her tight to my chest on the break of tears. "Mommy don't cry. Your makeup would be ruined." The little one giggles. All my friends start asking five hundred questions and I ignore them again as I place a kiss to her forehead. I place her carefully on the bed as I start to search the room for a last-minute touch. "What are you doing mommy?" She asks with a curious look on her face. I know we don't have much time so I quickly grab a small basket and few of the sunflowers Finn gave me as an early wedding gift, I quickly start ripping the petals off and place them in the basket. "How about we surprise your daddy, care to help me?" I ask as I return to her side. "Of course mommy! It sounds like fun! How can I help?" She asks excitedly as she bounces on the bed. "Well, no bridal party is complete without the floor girl. 

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