Chapter 1

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I don't like all the talk so let's get started straightaway(ω)/

Y/n p.o.v.

I was walking towards the school gate, and saw Yuzuriha and Taiju talking to each other at the school gate as sweet as they could. I smiled. "Such a refreshing view today even though it's Monday." As I walked past them, I gave Yuzuriha a small pat on her shoulder to signal I was there. She mouthed a "good morning" to me and I gave her a peace sign with my fingers as Taiju kept talking her poor ears off, not noticing me at all. Such an idiot.

I went to my shoe locker and saw Tsukasa was there, waiting for me patiently. I smiled again.

"Hey dude, you're quite early for a Monday morning."

"Not as 'early' as you." he laughed.

"Geez. Which question from which subject was it today?"

"You sure know me well, english, question 15."

"Alright. Follow me." I lead Tsukasa to the science club room. As I slid open the door, I saw a leek coloured, gravity defying hair working on something that surely isn't something safe on one of the counters in the room. Hearing the door slid open, he turned around.

"Hey y/n and Tsukasa, did he got another questions to ask again?"

"Yeah, English this time. Or what else would he be doing in here?"

"How should I know?"

"Hey Senkuu, you're quite early."

"Yeah, I've been here for more than 2 hours, thanks to someone who came here 2 hours late." sticking his pinkey inside his ear, he looked at me as I sat down on one of the counters. Looking at his disgusting habbit that he got, I said later.

"Also Tsukasa, 2 hours is already late in Senkuu time." Tsukasa laughed at my comment.

"Anyways, get the book out." after 15 minutes he got the hang of it, thanked me and left the room, leaving only me and Senkuu in the room.

"Hey y/n,"

"What." I went to the closet to get my lab coat in exchange of my uniform coat.

"You're late for 2 hours."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be late or anything. It's just my toaster broke and being the idiot I am, I started fixing it, only to realise I'm late for the meeting. Besides, I just came to school like 20 to 25 minutes ago!"

"Sure, whatever. Come over and help me mix this while I so something else. he handed me 2 flasks and I set to work, with a instruction of 70% of this and 30% of that.

Soon, people of the science club started to come in.

"Good morning prez and vice-prez!"


"Hey prez and vice-prez, what time did you guys came in today?"

"She was 2 hours, 23minutes and 34 seconds late."

"As expected from the crazy counting of time, prez!"

Sooner or later, everyone from the science club is there, all either chatting about their latest projects, or working on another one of their crazy ideas, or tinkering something that may lead up to flames or explosions. Suddenly, Taiju curated into the room, the door sliding to the side with a loud bam.


Everyone else expect for me and Senkuu kept doing our own work. I finished mixing the stuff into another coast a long time ago, and Senkuu was checking if anything happened to it. Some in the room got surprised and some in the room covered their eardrums to prevent them from bleeding thanks to Taiju' s loud voice.

Modern Age -Senkuu x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant