Mr. Silently Sexy

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Chapter Twelve: Nile

"You forgot didn't you?" Her lip securely between her teeth, hair pulled tightly up without so much of a hint of a curl. She's sitting on the hallway floor looking up at me talking about something I have long forgotten about. Flexing her toes and then pointing them she stretched her legs out. Every movement is a little more calculated than the other. She goes somewhere when she dances. Somewhere no one was allowed to go. I noticed it the first time I saw her dance. From the very first beat of any song, the very first movement she was gone. Her eyes told me. If you asked her about it she could never answer you and I don't think I want her to. It was her place.

Rounding her shoulders she continues doing whatever insane stretch that came to her mind.The only thing my mind seemed to focus on was just how focused she is. But focus doesn't stop her from remembering every sentence from every conversation we have had. Seriously this girl can remember the time and place every conversation has happened.

"I didn't." I lie.


"Curly Sue do you remember everything?"

"I remember you owe me gummy bears from our monopoly game since you couldn't afford your rent. I remember that on my fourth birthday my dad promised me a teddy bear and never delivered. I remember someone has been promising to teach me how to ice skate but here we are. " Sticking her hands out to me I grab hold of them pulling her to her feet.

"All you had to say was yes smart ass."

"Don't blame me." We were supposed to go to the movies tonight to see a movie she's been talking about for weeks but I forgot to get tickets. We were supposed to go after family dinner tonight. Looks like that's not happening. "Now back you being a liar."

I wouldn't tell her this but  I don't remember her ever mentioning the movie or even a conversation about going out. In her words we made plans to spend some intentional time together. I don't remember any of it. At first I thought it was just minor details that were slipping but recently I have been forgetting more and more. A few days after the accident I had no idea what had really happened. I remembered leaving Manny's house and Darren's yelling but that was it. Everything else just didn't exist. I have been trying to keep notes about things but it does not seem to be helping.

I didn't want to worry anyone so I've kept it to myself but the time in between is getting shorter and it has happened more and more frequently. The missing chunks of time are growing. Maybe my mind has just been a little preoccupied. Yeah maybe that's it. Hopefully we can get tickets to the movie another day it should still be in theaters for a while.

"I'm sorry and take the gummy bears out of my stash the way you always do. We can still do movie night tonight."

"It's okay." Responding quickly she turns away from me. Looking at her reflection in the trophy case she points her arms out then over her head. Turning her head to the side then back she went back to the trophy case. Counting out loud she did the steps stopping whenever she was a little too early or late with a move. Manny is a perfectionist at heart but only when it comes to herself. She will never openly admit it but if you spend more than an hour with her you'd see.

Letting out a frustrated groan she starts her count again. The old trophy case didn't give much in the way of a reflection. It kind of looks like a carnival mirror. The squished image made her appear shorter and rounder. But she doesn't seem to care as long as she can see somewhat of an image. Holding her gym bag in one hand and backpack in the other I give her space. I've learned it is best to let her work through the steps without trying to calm her.

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