Watch Yourself

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Chapter Eight: Manny

Gym class will always be punishment in my opinion. Apparently our school has decided to make numerous changed throughout the summer. Change number one, new gym uniforms. Gym Suits. Our principal felt as though bringing them would lessen bullying throughout our school. Truthfully we all looked terrible in the old gym uniforms and now we are all looking worse in the orange jumpsuit. The color is fitting because this is a prison.

"Who voted on this ?" Beth said pulling up the zipper on her jumpsuit. The shorts appearing even shorter on her. "I'm pretty damn naked."

Zipping up my own prison wear I try to pull the shorts down while simultaneously pulling the shirt part up.

" What size is this?"

" Size malibu barbie." As if gym class is not bad enough now I'm going to be running around like an Oompa Loompa in jail. I thought when I was making my schedule with Miss. Thorne last year that I chose the most painless gym class. One of the perks of junior year is that we didn't have to take a general gym class. Well, now I am certain that nothing about this class is going to be painless.

    "Okay, ladies! We are going to be learning the basics of yoga." Mrs. Santos spoke. How come she gets to wear leggings? Can I wear leggings " Let's start learning some basic poses."

    "Manny remind me to kill you when I'm back in my own clothes."

    "I'll love you forever Beth."

    Luckily since it's the first day she didn't have us do too much and within thirty minutes we were out of the suits and back in our own clothes. Today has been nothing short of strange and I have a feeling the next few days are going to be the same. Everywhere you turn there are new faces or people you don't know, which is weird considering half of these people have been in the same school since kindergarten. With Woodside being a town over, They are technically new. Navigating the school with so many people in it has proven to be more annoying than usual.

    "Have you heard?"

    "Beth I can guarantee you I haven't." Currently pushing our way through the crowd of girls who don't seem to want to leave the locker room. The obnoxious smell of perfume and sweat floating through the air can give anyone a headache. "You and Lex are the only people I actually talk to."

"I keep telling you, all of that can change if you would just stop being so shy."

"Not shy, just kind of anti-social."

"Well, we're going to change that too."

"Ignoring that. What did you want to know if I heard."

Switching out my books for the rest of the day and grabbing my gym bag I lock the hot pink lock. Looking around I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me, but the full hallway makes it difficult to pinpoint a person. Shifting my weight from one foot to the other I try to shake the feeling.

"They're making everyone retry out for our teams in order to fairly incorporate Woodside's students."

"What do you mean retry?"

"You heard me. So I hope you have a routine prepared."

    "I'm already over this and them." Slam. The locker next to me closes with more force than necessary pulling Beth and me out of our conversation.

    "What did you say?" The question directed at me caught me off guard as she stared back at me. Dark eyes focused on me almost completely throws me off my train of thought. The girl standing in front of me has to have been the inspiration for Wonder Woman. I'm almost positive she can see the top of my head without having to adjust her position.

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