~~Part 9. Dead?~~

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~~Harvey's PoV~~

Putting away my medical equipment, I sigh, today was more unproductive than yesterday. I decide to take a nightly walk before I rest for the day. Putting on a coat, I pick up my umbrella, I walk to the door and exit, locking the doors before I leave.

I walk by the saloon and end up entering, a little drink never hurt anyone, maybe I could socialize a bit, it's becoming a bit dire in that category. I look around, and it appears as if a bar fight is going down between Pam and Shane. I hastily exit, making my way back to the clinic, I see someone walking, or more stumbling. I stand still, and take a closer look-  "(Y/N)!!" I scream, running over to her, she turned around, mumbling something I couldn't understand, she fell, I took a moment to look over her, her clothes were torn, and there was blood. 𝘚𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥. I lift her up and set her on my shoulder, dropping my umbrella. Unlocking the clinic's door, I turn the lights on and rush her onto a bed. Washing out her wounds with peroxide, I start to panic. Last time something like this happened.. 

I shrug it off and do my best, this isn't just any life on the line. 

~~Timeskip 10 hours.~~

I'm sitting on the bedside, she's technically alive, but I don't know if she's 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦.  Her vital signs are low, yet aren't low enough to signal death. Usually vital signs don't go this low unless the person is dying, yet they're stable.
I haven't slept and my hair is a mess, I let some tears escape my eyes, thinking the worst.

My thoughts were interrupted with the door opening. "Hiy- Doc?" Maru called out. "In here." I raspily croaked out. Maru walked into the room, "Oh my, what happened to her??" She asked. "I don't know myself. She's alive but not doing so good. Would you mind if you left? You know and I know nothing is gonna happen. I'll pay you for a half day."    I requested, needing some time alone.     "Uhm.. Okay Doc, good luck I guess." She walked out, I head the bell ring, and a door close. 

~~Your POV~~

"Wake up!!!" You screamed, it echoed around. It was white, just a void, there was nothing, yet it felt so 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭. You stumbled around, unsure you were walking. You heard voices, you didn't know where you were. Were you alive?  in the Afterlife? After stumbling around for a while, you saw something black. Finally 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨. "Hel-llo?" You spoke. it turned. It had piercing red eyes. It started moving towards you, yet you couldn't move. Fear? or was that thing doing it to you. 

"Fear not. I'm here to negotiate." It's voice echoed, it sounded loud and royal, yet empty, void of life. You opened your mouth to speak yet you couldn't.   "You're in something I call Pre-Purgatory. Where souls of humans rest here when major damage has been done to their body. Here, is where life and death occurs. It's uncommon for the body to arrive, yet the soul arrives here almost every time. So I'll ask you this, only once. Do you, or do you not, want to die?" He spoke. You opened your mouth to speak, "I want to live-" As soon as you spoke those words, it's as if you woke up from a dream.

You open your eyes, seeing Harvey fast asleep gave you some comfort, but everything was sore. You looked around, you were in the clinic you assumed. Last night was a blur, yet you feel it as if you were going through it right now. 

You cough, Harvey jolts awake, it looks like he hadn't slept for years. Harvey looks at your eyes. "H-Hi Harvey" You say, as if nothing happened.   "What- (Y/N), How are you feeling- What Happened?"    He said, concern and a hint of sadness in his voice.  "Well everything is a bit of a bl-ur.. But what I can tell you is that I fucked up big time. I was caught off guard by something I call a rock-crab. I know I know- Call me crazy but I swear to god, you can't even imagine the shit in the mines. You don't even wanna know." You said.   "I thought you were a goner, it's a miracle you survived. At one point you were dead. But you are free to go, just be very cautious. Don't do anything dangerous, and don't do any motion-heavy actions." He mentioned. You slowly get up from the bed, in some blue pyjamas. You didn't question it as you slowly get to a stand. "Thank you Harvey, I don't know what I'd do without you!" You cheerfully said, as if you didn't almost just die. Slowly making your way to the door, you hear "BE CAREFUL!!" From Harvey.

Making your way to the farm, you notice a trail of blood, from the mountains, to right after the clinic. You laugh, thinking this was just one bad dream, and you didn't meet with what you assumed to be the grim reaper. You make your way to the farm, walking onto the porch your met with a cat. "Oh.. Hello lil guy." You were always fond of dogs, the dog started to make a purring sound and rubbed against your legs. You chuckle and open the door, the dog follows. Sliding off your boots, you flop onto bed, hoping you'd wake up from this supposed dream. Not sure what happened yesterday or today.

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