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" you son of a bitch get back to work"
I yelled at the brown haired lad, a sigh escaped at the end of it.He just doesn't sit in one position annoying brat I exclaimed in my head with a disgusted expression on my face.

Dazai had been with us for a good amount of time and he later got assigned as kunikidas assistant which made me eternally scream from happiness, but that doesn't meann the sucidal maniac would not ever annoy you of course not it's dazai after all Tch, I didn't realise my face was cringing at every thought until kenjis  voice interrupted my thought process

" y/n-chan please don't make faces like that you might ruin your pretty face with wrinkles"

I kinda got embarrassed but immediately gave the male a smile in which he smiled back the aura was pleasant again much to my liking.


Me and dazai we're walking down the street cause apparently we were sent out to look for the jinko rumoured to be around the area, it was an easy job but since the mafia were on it to the job became  a rather competitive fight. 
I was suddenly brought to a halt by a coffee shop which was beautifully decorated with flowers and a pleasant aura was emitting.

Much to my surprise a certain person had caught my longing gaze at the shop, dazai had grabbed my wrist lightly and entered inside I was very confused clearly showing on my face as dazai spoke up after we were finally seated

" next time if you want to stop to have a date with me y/n - chan just ask"

I giggled a little,surprising dazai

"Thank you for caring idiot"

Dazai just shrugged

"Can't leave a damsel in distress but your welcome"

He replied with a gentle smile

3rd person pov:

The both ended up having a good time forgetting the mission for a while to relax their minds but all y/n could feel was nostalgic missing her and dazais relationship back in the days where she didn't have to hate him and would have blushed at his silly compliments. Both adults were however obliged to leave the past behind and move on for the better or worse that up to them to find out.

Hope u liked it
And will try and update faster bye

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