Chapter 48- His Girl

Start from the beginning

He walked over to where The Brother was, and stood above him, looking down at his sleeping form. The Brother was not nearly as attractive as his girl, and it made him even more mad that The Brother dared to call his girl ugly. He wanted to cause him great pain, but out of respect for both the dead and for his girl, he would kill them quickly, and then make them ugly. His girl wouldn't want them to suffer, even though he did. He wanted to make them suffer, to kill them slowly and painfully. But doing so would make his girl sad, so he had to control himself.

The Brother never saw it coming. He placed the knife on The Brother's neck, and with one quick motion, slit his throat, sending a spray of blood towards the ceiling. He watched as blood soaked into the couch and stained the blanket, and his breathing quickened. This was fun. He touched the tip of his knife to The Brother's face, and he remembered everything that The Brother had ever done to his girl. The Brother had called her fat, ugly, stupid... The Brother had even called her a whore, and he knew that wasn't true. The Brother had made her feel like she was nothing. The Brother had threatened her, and had even hit her.

He realized that his slashing had gone beyond The Brother's face, down his neck, and to his torso. Well, it didn't really matter. He was dead anyway. He looked down at the blood-soaked body, and he remembered that there was one more thing he had to do. He had always wondered if The Brother had one. He was going to find out. He brought his knife back to The Brother's chest and began his search. And eventually, he found what he looking for. Huh. The Brother did have one, after all. He picked the thing up in his hand, and placed it in the jar, making sure not to lose too much of the liquid inside the jar. He set it by the door so that he would remember it.

One down, three to go.

With The Brother taken care of, he traveled to the room where two of his other victims slept. They weren't as cruel to his girl as The Brother, but they still made his girl feel worthless, so he had to rescue his girl from them. The Father died quickly, followed by The Mother. He took a moment and just stared at the bloodstains on the wall and ceiling, on the headboard, and seeping into the mattress and blankets. Seeing the blood made him feel excited. His plan was working perfectly. In just a few more minutes, his girl would be saved.

He made short work of The Parents. Of all the ones that died that night, The Father was the least mangled. His girl loved The Father more than the other two, and he was the nicest to her, so he reigned in his urge to do more damage to The Father. The Mother, on the other hand... he felt a flare of anger towards The Mother. When his girl had, in a moment of desperation and sadness, suggested she wear a mask to hide her perceived ugliness, The Mother had quickly agreed, and had actually gone out and bought the fucking thing. And his girl wore it dutifully, so he never again got to properly see her beauty.

His rampant thoughts calmed at the thought of his girl. But then his calmness turned to worry. He had to make a decision. How would he kill her? He didn't want to make a mark on her, so slitting her throat was out. But, at the same time, he didn't want her to suffer, so he couldn't choke her or smother her. He sighed, tapping the tip of his knife against his chin, thinking. Maybe... maybe he didn't have to kill her... No! He had to! That was the only true way to save her. To end her suffering, she had to die, and The Family had to die to pay for the suffering they had caused her.

He walked to his girl's room, contemplating how he would do her in. His eyes had adjusted well to the darkness at that point, and once he entered the room he knew was hers, he was able to perfectly see her sleeping form on the bed. Good. She was still asleep. After all, there had been no screams, nothing at all that would actually wake her. As he crossed the room to her, his hand brushed along her dresser, before finding something smooth. He picked it up and saw that it was her mask.

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