Chapter One: The Awakening

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"Don't die on me please!..."

"Muzan, I will defeat you, no matter what happens!..."

"I love you... Tanjiro... don't die on me!!..."


"Gaaaaaaah!!" Tanjiro suddenly woke up from a dream he was seeing from his sleep in the past three months. He looked at his alarm clock and noticed that it is already 6:30 in the morning.

"Damn... this is the day that I should prepare myself on my first day in U.A. I hope our homeroom teacher, whoever that is, will forgive me for being late." Tanjiro uttered while rubbing his eyes.

"Morning, nii chan!!" Takeo suddenly barraged in the door and making Tanjiro jump like a scaredy-cat.

"Takeo! Stop it, you annoying kid!" Tanjiro yelled.

"Hahaha! Good morning, good morning! Anyways, you should prepare yourself because... it's your first day in U.A high!" Takeo exclaimed.

"Yeah. Anyways, is dad still downstairs?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yeah! And also, he is waiting for you to come downstairs. Well, I should leave you then, bye!" Takeo said as he ran off from Tanjiro's room. Tanjiro smiled at Takeo's annoying personality but still a loving young brother of his.

Three Months before...

A body of a kid known to be Tanjiro can be seen in a dumpsite near the city of Tokyo in Japan. He was been noticed by the trash collectors and he was being helped by them.

"Hey! Is this the son of the Admiral Tanjuro Kamado?! What is he doing in here?!" One person asked.

"And why is he... bleeding and having so much blood on his haori. Wait, why is he wearing that old modern era dress? Hurry, let's call his father then!" Another person said as they helped Tanjiro and walked out in the streets to call for help. They didn't know that a man from the walls was lurking among them and was looking for Tanjiro's situation.

"I made the things needed for you to survive in this world. I hope you'll be happy that you are going to reunite with them." The man known to be Hagari said as he teleports away from the dumpsite.

Tanjiro can be seen now, being confined in a hospital in Tokyo. The door opened and he saw his mother, father and all of his younger siblings who cried while bashing the door open. Tanjiro cried after seeing his family for the first time after they died in the modern world. However, he didn't think of them being dead but they lived far away from him.

"Mom... dad... everyone!" Tanjiro cried.

"Tanjiro!!" His family exclaimed and rushed to him to hug him.

"We really missed you, Tanjiro!" Kie, his mother said.

"We are so worried for you, Tanjiro! Haven't you received our calls? Good thing those people from the dumpsite called us that you were found bleeding and wounded in the trash site." Tanjuro said.

"Me... I am bleeding?" Tanjiro uttered weakly.

"Shush! You really need to rest, Nii-chan! Because after you rest in that hospital bed, we are going to play a lot!" Hanako said.

"I will, I will! Where is Nezuko, by the way?" Tanjiro asked.

"Nezuko? Who is she?" Kie asked.

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