-Time skip until you had breakfast-

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-Time skip until you had breakfast-

-Nagata: What should we do now?
-Haru: I don't know about you, but I work at the surfing store making surfboards... I must head there and start working... (smiles)
-Nagata: Because of your happy face no one would think that you are heading to work...
-Haru: Because I work on something that I really like (smiles) Well, I'll be going, I'll see you tonight...
-Nagata: Aren't you coming to have lunch with me?!
-Haru: Sorry, now, on summer we have more customers and we need more surfboards... (srughs)
-Nagata: How can you leave me alone that much time?! (dramatic)
-Haru: I'm not your boyfriend, you can be alone... (chuckles) Plus, why don't you attend this little trouble (points outside the window)
-Nagata: What problem? (confused looks through the window) Oh gosh... Why do they keep on coming everyday?
-Haru: They are your fans... (chuckles)
-Nagata: Also yours and you always leave me alone with them... (pouts)
-Haru: I wouldn't be able to handle them, I don't know how to talk to girls... And they obviously would try to flirt with me... Sorry, I prefer avoiding being embarrassed... (takes the keys) See you!
-Nagata: Traitor... (sighs)

I head to the surfing store called "Color Blue", and head straight to my spot where I make the surfboards... To be honest, this is really fun...

I always wonder who will buy this and how important will it be for him... I mean, a surfboard is something really personal, and if you chose a special one, must be beacause of something...

-Fitzgerald: Haru, are you done with that surfboard you started the last week? Here there are two girls asking for it...
-Haru: It just rests a little bit, I'll be outside with it in about five minutes... I'm taking care of the little details... (chuckles)
-Fitzgerald: Okay, then attend them yourself, I must attend those who are renting the water bikes... (smiles)
-Haru: Okay! (smiles)

I finish with the board and head outside the workshop room and attend the new customers... Oh, they don't seem to be from here... They are probably foreigners...

-Haru: (in English) "Good morning ladies, here you have our newest board, I hope you like it and enjoy it" (smiles)

-Girl: (in Japanese) "You understood everything he said? How much does it cost?" -Haru: (in Japanese) You can talk to me in Japanese

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-Girl: (in Japanese) "You understood everything he said? How much does it cost?"
-Haru: (in Japanese) You can talk to me in Japanese... I'm also Japanese... (chuckles)
-Girl: Ah, that'll make everything easier... (smiles) So, how much is it?
-Haru: Are you going to buy or rent it?
-Girl: What would you do? (smiles)
-Haru: Me? (confused) I would definitely buy it... Having an own surfboard is really cool... I love riding some waves when it is still really early at morning... (smiles)
-Girl: We are buying it, then (smiles)
-Girl: Sana-ya... Why would we buy a surfboard? How do we bring it back to Korea? They won't allow us...
-Haru: Hmm... So, that's the problem... (thinking) You can leave the board here, I'll keep it (smiles) I'll return it back to you girls whenever you need it...
-Sana: See? He'll keep it for us (smiles) Thanks, uhm...
-Haru: Haru, Koyama Haru (smiles) Nice to meet you...
-Sana: Yeah, nice to meet you (chuckles)
-Girl: My name is Hirai Momo, but you already know that, right? (grins)
-Haru: Why would I know? (confused)
-Sana: My name is Minatozaki Sana, and I'm part of Twice... A kpop girlgroup... (smiles)
-Haru: Oh, so you guys are singers... I didn't know (chuckles) I guess you are here for vacation, then...
-Momo: Exactly... (smiles)
-Haru: I see... Well, I won't take too much of your time and let you enjoy Hawaii... (smiles)
-Sana: Actually... We don't have anything else to do... And we don't really know how to surf...
-Momo: Sana? (confused)
-Haru: Hmm... Would you like to learn how to surf? (smiles)
-Sana: I would love to (smiles)

 Would you like to learn how to surf? (smiles) -Sana: I would love to (smiles)

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