Chapter 1- shadows

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Niall wrapped his duvet tightly around himself, his eyes squeezing shut. He groaned when there was a soft knock on the door; Niall rolled his eyes when the door didn’t open.

“I’m not dead” he called out numbly.

Maura creaked the door open and shuffled into the room. Ever since Niall’s fourth attempt at killing himself, Maura had been afraid to walk into his room in fear of seeing his dead body either lying on the floor or hanging from the ceiling fan.

She sat at the edge of Niall’s bed and starred down at him.

“Do you need anything?” Niall said he didn’t mean to come off as rude but he just wanted to know.

“You need to get dressed for school love” she said running a hand through his bleach blonde hair

“Is there any point in me going?” Niall said moving away from his mother’s touch and rolling over to face the wall.  Maura let out a deep sigh, attempting run her hands through his hair again but Niall moved further away, she felt a slight ache in her heart but brushed it away. She should be used to this by now.

“Yes I pay for your education”

“I’d hardly call it education” Niall scoffed

“Just get dressed” she sighed as she got up and left the room, fed up with Niall already.

Ever since Niall’s parents divorced and his father and brother left, conversations between Niall and his mother are short, Niall was usually the one to cut them short but in this case it was his mother.

Niall peeled his eyes open, staring blankly at the white wall in front of him. Grunting he reluctantly sat up, gazing aimlessly around his organised room. His eyes land on his cat Midnight giving him a wave. Niall had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, a mental disorder that makes it hard to: Tell the difference between what is real and not real. Niall is the only one who can see Midnight.

Niall crawls out of bed, padding across his room to his bathroom, leaving the door open behind him. Maura had made it a rule to leave the door open at all times, afraid that he would harm himself, or do something chaotic.

   He stands by the sink, starring at his own reflection, he hates what he sees

He hates the way his hair is messy, the way he looks tired and the acne all over his face.

He hates the bruises on his neck from the time he tired to hang himself but he especially hates the scars that line his arms, reminding him of the things he’d would rather forget; each and every one of his suicide attempts.

Niall sighed and unwrapped the now-red- bandage from his wrist, cleaning his semi-fresh cuts again before wrapping his wrist in a new bandage.

He walked out of the bathroom and pulled his pyjamas off, getting into a pair of black skinny jeans, black vans and a white sweater.

He ran his fingers through his hair as he walked down stairs, his back pack on his shoulder. His head was kept down as he entered the kitchen, jumping slightly when he realised he wasn’t alone.

“How are you feeling Nialler?” his mother asked. This was a question she asked him every day and Niall always replied with the same answer.


But he wasn’t fine, and his mother knew that. She just didn’t want to say anything and left it to a sigh.

“Do want some breakfast sweetie?” Maura asked, pouring herself a cup of tea.

Niall shook his head as he rummaged through his bag, checking if he had everything needed for school.

“Well you have to drink something with your medicine” She placed a cup of water and two anti-depressants in front of Niall.

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