Chapter Two

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I sat up in bed, the sun rising. The birds chirping excitedly as the day began. I yawned and stretched. I looked out the window still sitting in bed because, it was next to my bed.

I sighed and laid back in bed. Today was Monday... and I didn't look forwards to going to the new school all the way in town...

A little village not too far from this old house, but still a town. I got out of bed, not looking forward for what was to come, and began dressing for the day. I slid on a pair of long jeans, a pair of socks, and my normal NASA shirt. The shirt, which was black, had the NASA icon in the middle.

I walked over to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My red hair, a tangled mess, fell upon my back in a mesmerizing way. My eyes, a rare amber color, looked as though they had makeup around them due to my eyelashes being so full and black. My eyebrows were also black, but not as full of course. My skin was its normal pale color.

I brushed my teeth then combed my hair, quickly rushing out of the door as my mom yelled at me to hurry it up or we would be late. She gave me no warning when to get up or anything because she knew I knew instinctively.

I rushed over to the living room slipping my dad's jacket around my hips. I never went anywhere without my father's old brown pilot jacket. He had been in the Air Force and served several years before having me. When I came along, he decided to quit to raise me... I admired my dad for that...

My mom headed out the door and stepped down the stairs as I followed her closing the door behind me. She threw me the keys and I locked the door.

"You're driving." She got in the passenger seat reading her favorite magazine.

I sighed and shoved the house key into my jeans pocket. I walked over to the car and got into the driver's seat. She handed me the keys to the car, and I started the engine. I buckled my seat belt and began driving to the school in town.

Although I was only 16, I had learned how to drive at the age of eight due to reasons. I had to learn quickly because we were moving into my grandmother's house the week after, and they had to have help driving three different vehicles.

After about thirty minutes of driving I pulled into the school parking lot and backed into a space. My mom sat her magazine down in the side of the door and unbuckled, while I put the car in park.

I turned off the engine and unbuckled as she got out of the car slamming the door behind her.

I sighed leaning my head back on the head rest. Dad... why did you have to leave...

I shook my head and silently unbuckled and got out of the car shutting the door behind me. This couldn't be as bad as I thought right...?

The school, a one-story building which made up for its size in length, was almost as big as two football fields.

I fingered my dad's jacket nervously. My mom began walking towards the building pulling her phone out as a text notification popped up. She held up her phone towards the sky. "Stupid phone... I hate this place. No good signal. Good thing we will be moving to the city soon enough."

"Then why did you enroll me into a school?"

"I didn't say when we would be moving back. My boss is still deciding if he should hire me."

She shoved her phone back into her jean shorts pockets, and dusted off her red shirt, her brown hair neatly tied back in a ponytail. Her brown eyes scanning the building.

I looked down at the ground still walking behind her as we stepped into the building. My tennis shoes weren't much to look at. The dust and grass still evident from earlier.

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